October 14

Reflection on Rhetoric Speech

Writing a speech about something from my hometown that seemed so commonplace was a strange experience. In everyday life we see things and begin to take them for granted. It is hard to imagine the work and thought that goes into the things we see when we pass them by on the way to our destination. Advertising is definitely one of those things for me. The cheesesteak is a sandwich known around the world, and it is known as a Philly thing. Something we created, and something that we continue to do the best. I do not go to Pats or Genos often, but it is an attraction that many tourists come to see. My English teacher in high school once said to take a day every once in a while, to be a tourist in your hometown. That you would see where you live in a totally different light. That’s what it felt like for me to look at this infamous rivalry. Pats and Genos, pancakes and waffles, how good is Carson Wentz really? These endless debates are things that fascinate me, so I decided to look into how they advertise against each other.  

Showing my group my speech felt weird. I don’t love hearing my own voice and it felt very vulnerable. But the response I got surprised me. They seemed to really like my speech. They all agreed that my pacing was good and that I spoked clearly. The one main criticism that I got was that I paused for too long in some places or stumbled over my own words for a second. These are all things that to me come with practice. The uncomfortable truth of public speaking is that the only way to get good at it, is to do it. I think this really helped me gain confidence in my own words and feel like I can speak at a pace that I think affects the crowd the best. Overall, I like where my speech went, and I am proud of it.  

Posted October 14, 2020 by Arthur Laban in category Uncategorized

3 thoughts on “Reflection on Rhetoric Speech

  1. Aidan Maguire

    You should definetly be proud of your speech. You did a really great job and there were not many things that could be pointed out as bad about your speech.

  2. Garrett Hourigan

    I really enjoyed your speech as I liked how unique it was. It was thourough and discussed something close to you, overall interesting speech and good execution of it.

  3. gfl5144

    I loved your speech. I loved the pase and structure. It was very easy to follow your ideas. You also had pretty good description and breakdown of the article – great job!


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