Electric Cars as a Civic Artifact: Elevator Pitch

MPG. Miles Per Gallon.

We always think about how many miles we can pull out of each gallon or how efficiently each gallon can be used. Although, we never think about the gallon itself.

Electric cars have provided us a new alternative to the ordinary gallon of fuel. A more efficient and more environmentally friendly way of life for families. That’s exactly what the “Gallon of Light” Tesla Model S commercial highlights with modern electric cars. This ad pushes consumers to challenge the norm of gas cars and live life with electric cars instead.

“Gallon of Light” utilizes commonplaces regarding family or solar energy to immerse consumers into their ideology of environmental responsibility and then a combination of pathos, logos, and ethos to persuade them into purchasing an electric car.

In terms of civic life, “Gallon of Light” pushes a very modern ideology of environmental responsibility. This ideology attaches itself to a wider ideology of sustainability in society and also to other objects that extend this ideology in society. A great example of this extension is the rise of solar panels in recent years.

Why does the ad choose to use this specific ideology as a manner of persuasion for consumers? Why doesn’t it follow the norms presented in a gasoline-car commercial to align itself better with the status quo?

We can figure out the answers to these questions during the full-fledged discussion, but I believe delving into the methods in which “Gallon of Light” integrates rhetorical devices and commonplaces/ideologies into the advertisement will surely be a very interesting discussion. I definitely look forward to it!

Thank you for reading!





One thought on “Electric Cars as a Civic Artifact: Elevator Pitch”

  1. Overall, this is a very strong elevator pitch. I really liked how you used the elements of ethos, pathos and logos and incorporated them into the speech. The use of examples of these elements that you point out create a strong argument of how this relates to the civic. Your transitions could be a little clearer but overall I was able to grasp what you were advocating. This is really strong and well organized and I am excited to hear the pitch.

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