Civic Artifact Speech Reflection

What was done well?
    • I feel like the intro worked well with the topic. I wanted to keep it short and to the point which I believe still worked in hooking the audience
    • I think the context around electric cars was also explained well in terms of the history.
    • Organization of the speech’s body topics also seemed to be consistent and easy to follow
    • I feel like the conclusion summarized the speech well and the reference to the ideology of sustainability left a good impact.
    • In terms of the delivery, I felt like I had strong eye contact and volume.
    • I also feel like I presented the speech in a natural tone that had a proper amount of inflection
What are some areas for improvement?
    • Transitions could have flowed better between body topic
    • I feel like I could have utilized more gestures during the speech
    • It also might have been helpful to utilize a power point to help reference certain images from the commercial while speaking about it
    • I also could have avoided using some informal language and verbal fillers, such as “kind of”, “so”, and “uh”
    • I feel like my posture could have been more open. I crossed my arm over my chest once in a while
What are three things that happened that I was unaware of?
    • I accidentally said “ethos” twice when I meant to say ethos and then pathos. I think it might help to slow down a bit and think about what I say a bit more before I actually say it
    • I often stared or randomly looked into blank spaces in the middle of explaining points in my speech which took away from consistency of my eye contact with the audience
    • I also ended up going off on a slight tangent on the fossil fuels commonplace which ultimately made me run a little bit over the 6 minute time limit.

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