Revision Process Reflection

What was the most helpful feedback you received in the peer review workshops?
  • I really appreciated the feedback on my pattern of organization. Since the essay was rather long, I knew the organization was key in terms of delivering my message. Therefore, I actually ended up asking for feedback on it verbally in the little discussions we had before getting into peer editing. Both my peer reviewers were great and made helpful comments and recommendations. Based on what they said, I made changes with some topic sentences and added some “preview” paragraphs to make my organization more clear.
What were the most interesting discoveries you made as you researched your topic?
  • I found it really interesting just how massive the Maker Movement is and how impactful the changes it created were. Things like immense diversified networks of connections and reinvigorated cities across the entire globe were benefits that I never really imagined would arise as a result of the Maker Movement. I learned that the magnitude of the Maker Movement was indeed similar to a quiet and modern Industrial Revolution.
What is the significance of the paradigm shift you explored? In other words, what do you feel is the most important point for your reader to take away from your paper?
  •  I think it’s important for the reader to understand the nature of the Maker Movement and the way it affects us in our daily life. With the massive rise of new technology in recent years, understanding the presence of movement in modern day helps us take key advantage of it in terms of enhancing and catalyzing our own independent innovation and invention. Especially with the great variety of benefits it can generate, I think it’s very important to pay attention to the dynamic of the movement in everyday life
How has this project helped you develop as a writer?
  • This essay has helped me develop my analytical and researching skills. By looking at various scholars and learning how to break down their perspectives to pull out the most information, I feel like I improved my abilities as a writer.
  • Additionally, by repeatedly looking through numerous databases to find scholarly sources, I improved my ability to sift through information as a researcher.
  • The topic itself, paradigm shifts, opened up the chance for me to incorporate multiperspectivity (in terms of the different perspectives of scholars) into my essay which also helped me develop my analytical skills.


One thought on “Revision Process Reflection”

  1. I really like how you portray the Maker Movement as a “quiet and modern Industrial Revolution.” That characterization really puts the scale of the Maker Movement into perspective. I also agree that this assignment expanded our research skills greatly. I ended up looking at so many sources and examined them more critically that I would have in the past.

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