
Since the start of this semester, this passion blog on movies has surely been a very interesting part of my weekly activities. Whether it’s been going through soundtracks, ranking movies, commentaries on different movie components, or just tips on how to go about movies, the entire experience has helped me essentially vent out my thoughts about the filmmaking process and industry as it is today.

Moviemaking has become almost a crucial part of our society’s entertainment culture today, so I think it’s really important to document it in a way that allows us to appreciate some of the amazing stylistic choices made.

I actually feel like my own interest in movies has somehow increased during this time too. Knowing that I have a platform such as this blog to express my thoughts on has encouraged me to take a closer look at films myself whenever I go out to the movies this semester.

I feel like my favorite post throughout the whole semester was “What Actually Makes a “Good” Movie?”. That post allowed me to go into a lot of the things I loved about films such as story, sound, and visuals. I was also able to provide examples and shortly delve into some of my favorite movies out there right now. I really enjoyed writing it, and I actually ended up rewatching some of the movies I mentioned in it as a result.

I will likely continue to type up blog posts similar to the ones I have already well beyond the end of this assignment. I believe it is a great way to not only express my thoughts but also organize them in a way that lets me make sense of them later.

Well, thanks for sticking with me in this journey so far and keep on the lookout for some more random posts about movies in the future!



One thought on “Reflection”

  1. We are all facing the end of the semester and a week of finals. As such, it makes sense to respond to this kairotic moment with a reflective blog post. I agree with you that keeping this passion blog made me think more about the subject (in my case, yoga) as I was doing it and when I was not. In many ways, it imparted a sense of accountability and forced me to ruminate on something which I used to simply accept. I think it is really interesting to see whether than amplifies your passion or diminishes it. I always had a good time reading your blogs, and your formatting was impeccable. I especially liked the one you wrote about Rotten Tomatoes, because it made me reevaluate my own actions and habits.

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