Hello and welcome back to another episode of my hatred, excuse me, a close review of celebrities and their controversial actions. We’ve eased into these topics with the past few posts focusing on the “tip of the iceberg” controversy; however, with this topic, we are diving right in.
May I introduce to you our “American Dad” and someone many of our parents grew up watching. He was a great guy who did a lot of monumental things such as being a stand-up comedian, actor, author, drugging and raping women, starring in huge Hollywood hits, a musician, and so much more!
I now present Bill Cosby-
I hope when you saw that picture you all had some sort of disgusted facial expression.
I do not like to refer to other individuals with inappropriate names, especially for school-related work like this, but may I just say Bill Cosby is one of the few people I consider scum on this earth. Genuinely.
To sum up the story for those who aren’t informed, Bill Cosby has been accused by 60 women of some sort of sexual assault offense. Although I do not enjoy writing his name throughout this blog, I have decided to continue to do so because I believe it is necessary for holding people accountable.
As for the 60 accusers, I want you to think about how large of a number that is.
Now that that’s in your head, add another 37 women to that number because about 61% of sexual assault goes unreported. Oh, and it gets worse.
When Bill (and I use his first name as a sign of disrespect) was finally convicted in 2018 it was a huge win for the #MeToo movement. Although it should not have taken as long as it did, the judicial courts finally acknowledging the accusations against such a well-known celebrity was a huge step in combatting rape culture.
Until this past summer, when it wasn’t.
The overturn of Bill’s conviction left those 60 (known) women heartbroken and served as a grave reminder for the rest of women that no matter what we try to do, rape culture seems to be an unbeatable enemy.
Unlike many of my other posts, I strongly believe there can be no appreciation for the work Bill Cosby has done. In this case, we cannot separate the artist from their work because his violating actions cannot be excused. In no way, shape, or form should it be acceptable to watch a man and laugh at his jokes when there are 60 women who hear his name and tremble; there are 60 women who have to suffer from the trauma that came from their one interaction with him. His actions are inexcusable, and I will end this post by saying I am aware hate is a strong word, but it may be the only one that comes close to describing my feelings towards that coward.
I 100% agree with everything you stated here. I will say, I love your diction throughout these posts, it’s refreshing. Alongside this I think the add another 37 women statistic really drove your point home. Great job.
I remember reading the overturn of Bill Cosby’s conviction on my phone and yelling to my parents about how wrong that decision was. It’s sad to see that instances like these perpetuate rape culture and allow those with influence to get away with such a cruel act.