RCL5- Advocacy for Understanding the Cultural Norms of the Deaf Community

The subject I have chosen for my Advocacy Project is to push individuals to learn more about the Deaf Community and their cultural norms so that they can understand why behaviors we exhibit can be hurtful to them. I have been taking ASL the past 2 semesters and have learned a multitude of new perspectives that I believe are crucial for others to also understand. My goal is to build awareness surrounding the Deaf Community and hopefully inspire other individuals to gain a new outlook on the way we do things. 

Unlocking the World of Sound for Deaf Children - The New York Times

My target audience is mainly younger individuals still in school from Kindergarten to College. I think a lot of what I wish to talk about should be discussed from a young age so that children can grow up and be courteous of things like this. However, it is never too late to learn and that is why I also think college students can take this information and do a lot with it. 

I believe 3 motivations/values I can appeal to are people’s tendency to be curious, to want to be empathetic towards other people, and to want to grow as individuals. I think most people are willing to at last read about a new experience or perspective they hadn’t thought about before, so  I will be trying to target that side of human nature. 

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