Abstracts will follow the same formatting requirements and due date as the National Conference. Use only the provided template and instructions located here
You will submit your abstract (as a pdf only) here:
*** Abstract Submission is Now Closed ***
You may select a preference of podium or poster for your presentation. We are encouraging posters and thematic posters for this conference to promote discussion.
Before submission, be prepared to answer
- Title of the submission (max 255 characters). Please use sentence case only for the title (capitalize the first letter of the title and lower case for all other letters unless required) and do not include a period (.) at the end of the title
- Desired presentation format: Podium or Poster (If you submit a proposal for an oral and are unsuccessful, your submission will be automatically considered for a poster)
- Your name, affiliation/institution and email address as the submitter and contact of the submission
- The names, affiliations and email addresses for all corresponding authors in the order they are to appear in the program
- Name of presenting author
- Position/Level of study (Undergraduate, Masters, Ph.D., Post Doctoral Scholar, Professor, Industry, Science Policy, Other)
- Submission theme(s) that best matches your research (choose up to 3 at the most