Introductory Paragraph

Title: The Effects of Elective Cosmetical Procedures on Companion Animals Companion animals are something many households enjoy for various reasons. We often have a symbiotic relationship with them, whether it is with the typical dog or cat, or even a spider in a box. These animals provide companionship, protection, entertainment, service, responsibility, and health benefits. […]

Topics for the Passion and Civic Issues Blogs

Passion- same as before, marine animals of the week   Civic Issues- animal rights 1. zoo/aquarium abuses 2. cosmetical procedures on animals (cropping ears, declawing etc.) 3.kill shelters

“This I Believe” script

Walking into class I knew today was the day. My heart is pounding as if it is trying to jump out of my chest. My hands were shaking enough to start an earthquake. As I approached the front it felt as if the walls were closing in and everyone was focused on me. I take […]

Blog and Project Ideas

This I believe- I believe that animal cosmetic procedures do nothing but pain for the animal in return for frivolous pleasure from the owner. Due to this, it should be outlawed. I believe that college should be far more affordable for a broader scale of individuals. My passion blog will remain the same For the […]

History of a Public Controversy Project Idea

For this assignment, as a vet major, an idea immediately came to mind. As with any vet major, I have a passion for animals. This being said,  a very controversial topic came to mind. This was the controversy over animal rights. Animal rights advocates believe that animals should be able to live free from use […]

TED Talk slides

These are the slides for now.  

Unit 2 Emerging Ideas Project Elevator Pitch

Ted talk and brainstorm

The ted talk I chose to watch was “Can exercise actually “boost” your metabolism?” by Jen Gunter. I enjoy science topics and think about similar topics having to do with metabolism often. I really enjoy how she combats the myths and speaks in a way that is easier to understand if you aren’t an expert […]

Speech and Peer Review

I believe my performance was strong. I believe I spoke professionally and had an in-depth analysis of my artifact that fit the speech. My biggest weakness was jittery movements, and this was because the voice-thread crashed on me multiple times and I was more nervous over that than the actual speech. I looked at David […]

Draft and speech outline

(parenthesis is what needs to be written) Sustainability and the environment are two topics many of us are knowledgeable about, yet many people continually fail to do their part or do not understand how to contribute. We must protect our oceans and our planet overall for our survival. Many of us consume soda or other […]

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