Introduction and Speech Outline

Introduction (Vivian, 2018)(Searle, 2021) Sustainability and the environment are two topics many of us are knowledgeable about, yet many people continually fail to do their part or don’t understand how. We must protect our oceans and our planet overall for our survival. Many of us consume soda or other canned items regularly, but never stop […]

Devin Rogozinski’s pitch

When thinking about which elevator pitch to write about, the only one I could vividly remember was Devin Rogozinski’s. The artifact depicted a tuna with a panda for a head with the text “Would You Care More If I Was A Panda?”. The initial “grab” made you think about her artifact and acknowledge its power. […]

Elevator Pitch Proposal

(Vivian, 2018) Many of us consume soda or other canned items regularly, but never stop to think about the true impact our waste has. Whether it’s a can or a plastic bag, anything that is not easily biodegradable affects our earth. This artifact embodies that using multiple “lens’” in order to drive the point across. […]

Persuasiveness of a Commonplace

Commonplace within advertisements is very common in order to persuade the consumer. It gives a sense of inclusiveness within a group that makes the consumer yearn for that item. This practice can be very beneficial or detrimental depending on if it is preformed correctly and to the right people (Cody and O’Hara). Sometimes they are […]

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