Final Post!

Hi everyone! This will be the last blog that I post on this site, kinda sad about it not gonna lie. But this week I figured I’d do something a bit different. I’ve been recommending some of my favorites, (and one of the most horrendous animes I forced myself to watch) and giving summaries in hopes that you would be interested in watching some of the animes that I really enjoyed. I haven’t actually gotten a chance to really break down my opinion on some shows I have posted. So I’ll use this post for that or maybe add my two cents on some shows I haven’t reviewed on here.

*This post will have spoilers*

  1. Owari no Seraph

I have watched this anime at least 8 times. It’s not my favorite anime I’ve ever watched, but it is a show that I have never really gotten tired of watching over the years. When I first watched it I was 12 and was obsessed with the action and the plot but over the years I began to appreciate the writing of the characters. I grew out of the protagonist antagonist mentality and started appreciating the characters for what they were. Each character was flawed and had some sort of tragic backstory to justify the path that they were on, and understanding the complexity of each character helped to understand how things unraveled the way they did. I especially loved watching how each character’s trauma had such an integral impact on their fears and morals (I’m a psych major I can’t help it). For example, Yuu was abandoned by his parents and then had everyone he ever loved die before he turned thirteen. This turned into an obsession for revenge and the protection of his family, new and old, no matter what side of the war they were on. Also, Mika is really hot, just a bonus.

2. Nana

This show is tied for the #1 spot on my anime list sitting with Banana Fish and Fruits Basket. I heard of this show through tik tok, and decided to watch it because I was under the impression that the main characters were closeted lesbians pining for each other. It may not be written in the script, but I wholeheartedly believe this to be true. The comedy in the show was one of my favorite things about it, but I also felt strangely connected to them because even though their behavior may seem wacky and dramatic, I can understand exactly what motivates them to act that way. Before Hachi met Nana and moved to Tokyo, she fell in love with almost every guy that showed interest in her, consuming herself with them and thriving only off of the praise she felt from them, even though she knew they would not love her the way she desired. She would get heartbroken but soon fall into the same trap. Nana was a separate case entirely, she fell in love with Ren when she was young, and he actually felt the same way about her. But because she was so young and so dependent on him, soon she became all he had, and she needed him to feel whole. I strongly believe that both Nanas felt connections towards their male love interests, but they were not in love with them, not in the way they were with each other. They only dreamt about a happy future when they were together. Nana even said that she regretted not fulfilling her dream of buying Hachi a house, just for the two of them, so that they could live together and always rely on each other’s love, especially when the men they were with couldn’t uphold their promises. If that compulsory heterosexuality, I do not know what it is. I literally cried for hours when I finished the show, but it was written fantastically.

3. Banana Fish

This has got to be, one of the most soul-wrenching, heartbreaking, (so many other amazing adjectives) shows I’ve ever watched. I wanted to write a review on it, but I could not bring myself to watch it again or make myself remember everything that happened because it is just that depressing. I loved every minute of it, and it was tragically beautiful. ( I tried to watch it with my best friend, got to an episode where one of the main characters (Ash) begged God that He wouldn’t take (Eiji) away because he was the only reason that he kept living, broke down into an hour-long cry and told myself I could never watch it again.) If you decide to watch this, read the appropriate trigger warnings because this show does depict a lot of traumatic events.

4. Tokyo Ghoul

I loved loved loved this show. However, this show did not do any justice to the manga. The manga is hands down the best series I have ever read, trust me I have read quite a few. The drawing style is much more graphic and harsh, and it perfectly highlights the gruesome tones and plot of the story. Kaneki’s transitions between personalities and the way they are drawn in the manga are jarring but so freaking cool.

Tokyo Ghoul Book 1 - Chapter 1What chapter is the "I am a ghoul" Panel : r/TokyoGhoulTokyo Ghoul Volume 13 (Review) - The Geekly Grindfavorite tokyo ghoul panelsPin auf t o k y o g h o u l ∞

Anyways, this has gotten pretty long so, thank you so much for reading! Goodbye:)