Unit 2 Essay Outline

Unit 2 Essay Outline

Turning point 1: Mental health in the early to mid 20th century was negatively impacted by the wars and handled poorly due to a lack of accurate knowledge about psychology. 

Claim 1: The wars severely damaged mental health. 

Artifact 1:

Shell shocked soldier, 1916 - Rare Historical Photos

Claim 2: The lack of proper knowledge about psychology led to poor treatment of mentally ill. 

Artifact 2:


Claim 3: Theories about mental health were not fully accurate but were important attempts to understand it better. 

Artifact 3: 

Interpretation Of Dreams (Master's Collections): Sigmund Freud: 9789380005874: Amazon.com: Books

Turning point 2:  In the mid to late 20th century, mental health started to be taken more seriously with the developments in psychology and the spread of awareness. The rise of pharmaceutical treatments could also be seen. 

Claim 1: Helping the mentally ill with proper medical methods was promoted. 

Artifact 1: 

Mental Health Nursing recruitment poster, London, England, 1950-1966 | Science Museum Group Collection

Claim 2: A rise of pharmaceutical treatments could be seen. 

Artifact 2:

Turning point 3: In the 21st century the rise of social media allowed people to spread even more awareness about mental health and made certain people struggling with mental health issues to not feel alone. However, the spread of misinformation about mental health with people self diagnosing and more hate being spread on social media negatively impacted the perception of mental health. 

Claim 1: Social media posts in the format of “memes” would show people struggling with mental health that there were others like them. 

Artifact 1:

33 Super True Mental Health Memes | Chanty Blog

Claim 2: Social media also created lots of pressure on many people, especially young people, which negatively impacted their mental health. 

Artifact 2: 

How does social media affect mental health? Pros and cons explained.

Claim 3: Social media also lead to people being misinformed about certain mental illnesses and self diagnosing without the opinion of experts which is dangerous. 

Artifact 3: 

Is there too much self-diagnosing of mental health disorders on social media? Professionals, advocates weigh in | MinnPost

A Great Platformer



Developed by the studio “Maddy Makes Games” and released in 2018, Celeste is a game that has reached a large amount of success with it selling 500 thousand copies in the year it released. Celeste is a platformer game that I really enjoyed and I would love to share the reasons for why I and many other players loved this game.

Celeste' is an Expertly Designed Platformer Brimming With Heart | Digital Trends

The strongest point of Celeste that made many players love it is undoubtedly it’s smooth and engaging gameplay. Celeste is a 2-D platformer where you move a character between points in a setting. The gameplay of Celeste is superb. The controls of the character is extremely smooth and responsive which makes controlling her very entertaining.

Celeste | Celeste | Mods & Resources

The level design is also spectacular as it requires the player precisely control the character through demanding platforming sections , forcing them to utilize their problem solving skills and pushing their reflexes to the limits. In Celeste, captivating and challenging levels are a joy to play.  Although the levels of the game are difficult, it makes them much more thrilling to play through and makes completing them a lot more rewarding.  After clearing every level, I was sure that my skills had improved significantly. The game contains a variety of levels and some of them have unique aspects that impacts the gameplay in exciting ways. This also increases the replayability of the game.

Celeste" Is a Very Difficult Video Game for People Who Know What It's Like to Have Something to Prove | Autostraddle

The breathtaking visuals and music makes the game even better.  Because Celeste is an 8-bit pixel style game, one would expect it to have very poor graphics. However, by embracing it’s pixelated look and making it a part of it’s artstyle, the game creates beautiful environments and stunning scenes. The music is also excellent as it reflects the tone of each level and makes them much more immersive and captivating.

Celeste Review - The Punished Backlog

The story of the game is also nice. Unlike many popular titles that I like, it does not contain much violence  and conflict. Instead it is a more personal story that explores the main characters journey to defeat her anxiety by climbing a mountain. Normally, I would find this kind of story boring and uninteresting but I believe that it fits nicely to this game along with it’s visuals and music. Also, as someone who is studying psychology it was interesting to see the depictions of anxiety and depression in this game. A more violent story might have been a bad combination with it’s difficult level design making it similar to games like Dark Souls that are not pleasant experiences most of the time.

Review: Celeste - Slant Magazine

Finally, the low system requirements makes the game much more accessible which is another major strength. Since the game is 8-bit, it does not require any strong hardware and can work with old and weak hardwares. It can even work in a potato computer. I believe that this was a major factor that increased the sales of the game.

TowerFall follow-up Celeste launches on PC and consoles later this month | Eurogamer.net

In conclusion, I believe that Celeste is an excellent platforming game that is very entertaining. It’s remarkable level design, precise gameplay, stunning visuals and music as well as low system requirements makes it a great platformer.


My Opinions on Doom 2016

Doom (Video Game 2016) - IMDb

Doom (2016) is a game that I have enjoyed playing very much. After completing the game I was certain that it was an excellent and extremely entertaining game. There are several reasons for this which I will explore in this blog post. Doom (2016) single-player review: Back to basics | Ars Technica

To begin with, the fast paced gameplay of the game is very addicting. The game has a fast paced action that requires you to be constantly on the move and dodge the enemy attacks. I found this type of gameplay in a first person shooter very fun and was glad that they went with this decision instead of making the game realistic and slow paced.

The DOOM Bosses Ranked Worst to Best (Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal) – Average Joe Reviews

In addition, the enemy types and the boss fights elevates the quality of the gameplay. Using different types of tactics for different types of enemies forces the player to think which makes the game much more engaging. The variety of enemies prevents the game from becoming boring and repetitive. Also, the enemy designs were excellent as they looked repulsive which made killing them very satisfying. The boss fights of the game was were I had the most fun. The bosses of the game were much stronger and difficult to beat compared to the regular enemies and forced me to generate new tactics.  Because of this, defeating the bosses felt extremely rewarding.

DOOM (Original Game Soundtrack) - Mick Gordon (2xLP Vinyl Record)

Furthermore, I found the soundtrack of the game incredible as well. It is one of the best video game soundtracks of all time!  I think that the heavy metal of soundtrack of the game suited the fast paced action where you slaughtered demons. The music changing for each area as well as boss fight also made the game even better for me and was an excellent method to set the tone.

Steam Community :: Guide :: DOOM - Detail Settings On Performance

Moreover, I also think that the setting of the game is excellent. The game is set in a base in Mars that has been overrun by demons. There is also a brief section where you enter hell to kill some demons. I believe that the setting was also great as exploring the abandoned base and hell was a very interesting concept. Normally, the game would feel like a horror game with this setting although the powerful character you play the game with makes it the opposite.

Doom Eternal's best difficulty option: not the one I usually choose - Polygon

In conclusion, I personally loved playing Doom 2016 because of it’s fast paced action, different enemy types and boss fights, amazing heavy metal soundtrack and setting. Even though the game was somewhat weak in certain areas such as it’s story compared to other games, it’s strong points more than made up for that.

Reflection of a Great Ted Talk

One of my favorite Ted talks is also the most popular one. The name of the Ted Talk is “Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | TED”. There are several reasons for why I think this Ted Talk is excellent which I will explore in this blog.

First of all, the topic of the Ted talk makes the information provided  extremely relatable as well as intriguing. Procrastination is a behavior that I think almost everyone suffers from which makes this topic much more relatable. Learning more about a behavior that has a major impact on our lives is something we are interested in which makes this Ted Talk much more compelling.

In addition, the usage of easy to understand and simple language makes this Ted Talk even better. This Ted talk is delivered in a way that even a 10 year old can understand it which makes it very simple. However, this is not a limitation but is instead a strength as it  requires very low effort to understand and prevents any point from being misunderstood.

Furthermore, another major strength of this Ted talk is it’s humor. The presenter makes sarcastic jokes and includes funny visuals to make the audience laugh. This increases the engagement of the Ted-Talk and makes it an entertaining experience to listen to.


In conclusion, there are several reasons for why “Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | TED” is one of my favorite Ted Talks. The main reasons are it’s relatable and intriguing information, easy to understand delivery and it’s use of humor via visuals.

Why Hades is a Phenomenal Game

Hades (video game) - Wikipedia

Hades is a video game developed by Supergiant Games and released in September 2020.  After its release, the game became a huge success with many of the players loving it, including me. There are various reasons for why I believe that this was the case.  In this blog, I will explain what factors make Hades a phenomenal game.

How Hades plays with Greek myths | Rock Paper Shotgun

The game being set in the Greek mythology makes it very compelling. In the game, you play as the character “Zagreus” who is the son of Hades with the aim of escaping the underworld. During this Journey, you interact with various characters from the greek mythology such as Sisyphus or Hades himself. Interacting with these characters and seeing how the developers at Supergiant games envisioned these characters makes the game much more captivating.

Hades (PS5) Review – Hogan Reviews

The dynamic, fast paced and fluid gameplay of Hades is extremely entertaining and addicting.  The game is a “Roguelike” which means  that you start from the beginning every time you die. You might think that this would make the game feel very repetitive and boring after a while. However, by gaining different types of abilities every run the game manages to feel fresh and diverse without making the player feel dull. In addition, the game allows you to unlock different weapons such as a bow or a spear. The more you play, the more you unlock and the more you unlock, the more you play (I still usually stick to the original sword as I find it the most entertaining). Furthermore, the game features amazing boss fights were you fight creatures or characters from the Greek mythology such as Hydra, Minotour or Hades himself. These boss fights are indubitably the parts were the game peaks as they force the players to analyze the moves of the bosses, keep their reflexes sharp and learn from their previous runs where they died to the same boss.

Hades Ascends the Action-Roguelike Throne | by Josh Bycer | SUPERJUMP | Medium

The stunning visuals also severely boosts the enjoyability game. Because of the lack of a high budget, Hades does not have detailed graphics. However, it more than makes up for this by utilizing a beautiful 2-D artstyle that immerses the player. This makes the game very pleasant to look at. The artsyle also suits the game by making it seem like fantasy tale since it is set in the Greek mythology. Moreover, the 2-D artsyle also adds to the setting (the underworld) by making it seem more mysterious and dangerous.


In conclusion, I listed the reasons for why I think Hades is a phenomenal game which are the amazing gameplay, visuals and the greek mythology setting.

Unit 2 Essay

When it comes to the Unit 2 Essay, I found it difficult to select a topic. This is because I need to write an extremely long essay that is at least 7 pages long. Finding 3 specific messages is not easy either. However, as a psychology student I decided to investigate the changing perception of mental health over the last 5 – 6 decades. I remember learning about how mental health wasn’t taken seriously in the past and how social media affects the perception of mental health nowadays.

My first turning point is the unsanitary treatment of mentally ill individuals in the early to mid 20th century. The mental health of people were disregarded and the treatment of mentally ill people were not taken seriously.

My first specific message is this:


This image is a photograph taken in the Pilgrim State Hospital Brentwood New York in the US. I chose this photo because it shows the poor conditions mentally ill people were back in 1940s


My second turning point is mental health getting taken seriously. The mental health of people started to become taken seriously to the extent that an entire day is dedicated for mental health awareness which is my second message. October 10th started to become celebrated as mental health day in 1992 which shows the positive shift in perception of mental health.


My third turning point is the influence of social media on mental health. With the introduction of social media, a lot of people started to share their own mental health issues with others which made it normalized and much less shameful. Moreover, with social media, a lot of people started to self diagnose mental illnesses without the confirmation of professional psychologists. As specific messages for this, I can select online “memes” about mental illnesses etc.


In conclusion, my topic is the changing perception of mental health and these are my main turning points.