Unit 3 Project Brainstorm

For our unit 2 project, our group decided that American football could be a good idea for controversy. This is a great idea as there are many ways in which we can explore this controversy. It’s health impacts is one way as it can cause serious health issues for the players.  It’s cultural impact on the American society and culture can also be explored in our project as it has a major impact.

Social media was another topic that we discussed. I think that this is another topic with very high potential. It has major impacts on a lot of things such as mental health and even politics. There are many things we can explore with social media as our topic.

2 thoughts on “Unit 3 Project Brainstorm”

  1. We are in the same group so I think the football idea is a great one! I think there is a lot to look into for this topic and its impact!!

  2. I really like the idea of the conflicts surrounding social media, however, this subject would have to be less generalized and more specific. It will be interesting to see what your group chooses.

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