How my understanding of rhetoric and civic life has changed over the semester

It would be an understatement to say  my understanding of rhetoric and civic life has changed significantly over the semester.  Before I attended this class, I didn’t even properly know the definitions of the words “rhetoric”  and civic”. However, this class made me learn significant amounts of information regarding these two words and their impact.

Before taking this class, I never really believed in the importance of rhetoric activities such as protests. I always underestimated their effect and thought that it was a waste of time. I thought that the impact of these civic engagements were minimal and not significant. However, after seeing multiple examples of civic engagements such as speeches, I was forced to reevaluate my perspective. Thanks to this class, I learned the importance and effectiveness of living a civic and rhetoric life.

Moreover, this class not only taught me the importance of living a rhetoric and civic life, but also how to live a rhetoric and civic life. It taught me how to utilize certain techniques such as positioning and use of color to produce a civic artifact that can change the ways other think and behave. In addition, I taught me how to analyze different civic artifacts through lenses.

In conclusion, this class has caused a massive change in my understanding of rhetoric and civic life.

2 thoughts on “How my understanding of rhetoric and civic life has changed over the semester”

  1. I completely agree with you that this course taught me how to utilize techniques and analyze civic artifact through lenses. I like how you explained how much it really changed your understanding.

  2. I agree and J think it is great to see your growth on this topic. This course has increased my understanding as well.

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