Category Archives: civic posts

Civic Blog 3

Public Transportation in Japan

Transport in Japan - WikipediaThe public transportation system of the country Japan is renowned worldwide for its efficiency, reliability and comfortableness. With it’s intricate network of subways, trains and buses, Japan’s transportation system should serve as an example to the other countries public transportation system. In this civic blog post, I will analzye and evaluate the public transportation system of Japan and understand what makes it excellent.

An Overview of All Public Transportation in Japan | Japan Wonder Travel Blog

One of the greatest aspects of Japan’s public transportation system is undoubtedly its efficiency and punctuality. Trains, buses, and subways adhere to strict schedules, with delays measured in seconds rather than minutes. This commitment to precision has earned this system a reputation for reliability, making commuters confident that they will reach their destination on time. This is especially a major advantage for people going to work by using this system, as they can be almost sure that they won’t be late. This is a major contrast to Turkey and U.S, as the public transportation system is less reliable.

Tokaido Shinkansen - Wikipedia

Another major factor that makes the public transportation system of Japan excellent is its high speed. The iconic Shinkansen, also known as the bullet train, connects Japan with its speed exceeding 300 kilometres per hour, rivalling actual planes. By connecting different parts of the country with such an excellent system, Japan can foster economic growth in different regions and attract tourists to explore more of the cpuntry.

In Japan, Transit Accessibility Gets an Overdue Boost - Bloomberg

Moreover, the accessibility of Japan’s public transportation system is yet another advantage. The public transportation system of Japan prioritizes accessibility for individuals with disabilities, with barrier-free stations, tactile guidance paths, elevators to subways (for individuals in wheelchairs) and audible announcements (for individuals with visual disabilities)inclusivity for all passengers are ensured. This way, every individual despite his/her disabilities can utilize the public transportation of Japan to commute to work, travel, or do something else.

Tokyo Metro | Subway Map

Furthermore, the intricate network of the public transportation in Japan ensures its citizens to travel wherever they want in urban areas. Through the public transportation of Japan, almost every destination can be reached. Interconnected networks of trains, subways, and buses facilitate effortless transfers, allowing passengers to traverse urban centers without difficulty. The public transportation system of Japan makes it so that the citizens do not need to have any cars, which is another significant contrast to Turkey and the United States.

Why is the Tokyo Subway so overcrowded? Why shouldn't they provide more trains, or longer trains, or build additional railways? - Quora

However, while Japan’s public transportation system excels in many areas, it also contains significant problems. Urban congestion, particularly in Tokyo and other major populated urban cities, can be an issue, leading to overcrowded trains and platforms during peak hours. This can make public transportation an extremely uncomfortable experience and even cause some people to miss their destinations on time, which could not only be frustrating but also disastrous in certain situations.

In addition, the aging population of Japan also poses a serious threat to the sustainability of the public transportation system in Japan. The aging demographic of Japan with its low birth rate damages the workforce responsible for operating and maintaining the transportation infrastructure as not enough young people will be available to work. It also necessitates adjustments to transportation services to meet the needs of older individuals that utilize this system. All of these problems are issues that Japan needs to tackle to ensure that its public transportation keeps its excellence.

Tokyo's public transport ranked the third best in the world

There are numerous ways to fix these issues that the public transportation system of Japan is facing. Firstly, addressing the challenge of urban congestion challenge requires strategic investments in infrastructure expansion that will create less congestion in the long term. Also, increasing the amount of public transportation vehicles during peak hours can also help to alleviate congestion. Expanding the stations and creating new lines can also help but would be an expensive option.

For addressing the issue caused by the aging population of Japan, investing in automation could work. Automation could enhance efficiency and reduce the burden on human resources. Automated ticketing systems, self-driving buses and subways, and predictive maintenance algorithms are just a few examples of what Japan could do to overcome demographic challenges and ensure the continued reliability of its transportation network. Some of these examples such as automated ticketing systems are already being used in Japan successfully.

For Japan to preserve its reputation of having an amazing public transportation system in the future, it has to continuously upgrade it. It has to utilize technological innovation such as automation to keep up with the aging population and make strategic investments on infrastructure to alleviate congestion. Continued emphasis on customer satisfaction will also be crucial to ensure the continued success as well as high reputation of Japan’s transportation network.

Guide to Living in Japan: Train and Bus Etiquette ‣ Japan Study Abroad Network

In conclusion, Japan’s public transportation system stands as a shining example of efficiency and reliability. It should serve as an example to other countries on how to make an effective public Transporation system. From the extremely fast Shinkansen to the greatly maintained and intricate subway networks, Japan’s transportation infrastructure is a testament to the country’s commitment to excellence and continuous improvement. For it to remain this way, it should deal with its issue such as congestion and aging population by embracing technological innovation and strategic investments on infrastructure. Public transportation is a crucial aspect of a nations success and maintaining it should be of upmost importance.


An Overview of All Public Transportation in Japan | Japan Wonder Travel Blog

What Makes Tokyo’s Railways So Great? | DDS Wireless

Why Tokyo’s Privately Owned Rail Systems Work So Well – Bloomberg

Tokyo Has Built The World’s Best Subway (



Civic Blog 2

Public Transportation in Turkey

Travel in Turkey by Car, Bus, Train, Plane, Ship & Ferry

Public transportation is a major part of Turkey, it facilitates the movement of millions of people daily. It is a critical aspect of life for many people as it is their main source of transportation for work, entertainment , meetings and much more. In this blog post, I will describe and analyse the state public transportation of Turkey by assessing its current state, challenges and potential for improvement.

Public Transportation in Istanbul - Turkey Property - Select Turkey

Turkey has a diverse array of public transportation modes. These include trains, buses, metro and more recently, rapid transit systems that connect different cities together. Large urban centers, such as the most populated city Istanbul and the capital Ankara, usually possess most of these transportation modes while smaller towns and the countryside usually offer buses as transportation.

Our guide to public transportation in Istanbul -

It is safe to say that compared to the US, Turkey invests far more in public transportation. This may be due to the more collectivist culture of Turkey compared to the United States. In addition, the economy of the Turkey is in a struggling condition, with fewer people being able to afford buying and maintaining personal cars and having to resort to alternative options. This makes public transportation a much more critical part of Turkey as many people have no other option of transportation.

Travel in Turkey by Car, Bus, Train, Plane, Ship & Ferry

Despite public transportation being more advanced in Turkey compared to US, with it having a more widespread use and different modes for citizens to utilize, challenges regarding public transportation still persist. Congestion, especially in highly populated major cities such as Istanbul, is a serious problem that can lead to delays. This is more than a simple inconvenience, especially for people having to reach work on time as it can become a significant issue for them. In addition, for certain hours, public transportation vehicles can be extremely full which can make it a very unpleasant experience and increase the chance of diseases spreading. Moreover, especially at late hours, some areas can be dangerous for women making them unwilling to utilize public transportation at those hours. Also, accessibility for individuals with certain physical disabilities remains inadequate in many areas, highlighting the need for inclusive infrastructure so that they can use those systems as well.

Turkish-made buses on roads of 87 countries | Daily Sabah

While Turkeys investment in public transportation is great, addressing these issues is necessary for a better and more beneficial public transportation system. To begin with, congestion management strategies to alleviate the large amounts of pressure on transportation networks, particularly in urban centers would be essential. These strategies could include more dedicated lanes and making vehicles more frequent in congested areas. Especially investing in infrastructure upgrades and expanding capacity on existing transit lines would decrease overcrowding Modernization initiatives, such as introducing  high-capacity metro trains capable of holding more people and constructing new rail lines based on the data gathered by where people are going, would be crucial initiatives that would meet the growing demand for public transportation services. These strategies can enhance the flow of traffic, reduce delays and make public transportation a much more comfortable experience.

Ankara'da Toplu Taşıma Araçlarında Güvenlik Sistemleri Zorunlu Hale Getirildi - Haber Sitesi

In addition, making public transportation a safer and more secure experience is another critical aspect of improving it. Enhancing surveillance systems by deploying more cameras, possibly with facial recognition systems, and deploying additional personnel can help create a safer and securer environment for the passengers, particularly women traveling alone at night. In addition, creating a culture of respect within public transportation systems is another imperative step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of all passengers as fights and arguments are relatively common in public transportation in Turkey,

Toplu taşımada yeni dönem - Son Dakika Haberleri

Furthermore, addressing the accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities is yet another important step to improve public transportation in Turkey. This includes installation of ramps and elevators at public transportation stations, as well as ensuring the availability of wheelchair-accessible vehicles. Turkey is already making steady progress regarding this area, and I think making even more progress would help these passengers significantly.  Collaborating with disability rights organizations and consulting directly with disabled users would make these improvements even better and more useful.

Toplu Taşımada İmdadınıza Yetişen Mobil Uygulamalar -

Moreover, integrating new technological innovations to make public transportation would be another beneficial upgrade. Improving smartphone apps offering real-time transit information, route planning tools, and electronic ticketing systems would make public transportation a lot more reliable.

İstanbul'da elektrikli otobüs devri başlıyor - Son Dakika Haberleri

In addition, exploring alternative fuel options, such as electric buses and hydrogen-powered trains, can reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the environmental impact of transportation activities even more.  Investing in research and development initiatives to advance green transportation technologies would severely benefit the environment and reduce Turkey’s impact on global warming. It would also motivate people to use public transport more than their personal vehicles.

Neden Toplu Taşıma Araçlarını Tercih Etmelisiniz? | Blog | Koluman


In conclusion, Turkey’s public transportation system faces challenges like congestion and accessibility issues despite notable progress. By investing strategically, embracing innovation, and prioritizing inclusivity, Turkey can build a more efficient and accessible transportation network. With concerted efforts, Turkey can enhance urban mobility, improve quality of life of citizens and decrease global warming.


Transportation – Study In Turkey

Transport and Driving in Turkey | Expat Arrivals

Civic Issue Blog 1

Public transportation is considered as one of the most important aspects of transportation in a modern society. It has tremendous benefits for the environment which is a major advantage nowadays due to the critical issue of climate change and global warming. It is also a significant advantage for people unable to afford the purchase and maintenance of regular cars as well as people who are simply unable to manually operate cars due to health issues. Because of this, for my civic issue blogs, I decided to write about the topic of transportation, specifically public transport. Each blog I plan on tackling a different country and for this blog post, I plan on evaluating the public transportation here in the United States of America.

American cities are experimenting with free public transit

It is a well known fact that the United States of America is an extremely car dependent country.  Many of the developments are centered around cars such as suburbs and a large portion of middle and upper class citizens, and even lower class citizens, owns and uses a car.  In contrast, public transportation isn’t as popular or developed in the US, especially around less urban areas. This brings the question: why is the United States of America so centered around cars instead of public transportation?  To understand this, we must first look at the History of transportation in the US.

Transportation in the United States | Corsia Logistics

In the early 20th century, the introduction of the first automobile was a transformative moment for transportation as a whole. With Henry Ford’s assembly line, these transformative automobiles (cars) became much more affordable and accessible to the general public.  The mass production of these cars continued, making cars even more popular among American citizens.

Starving the cities to feed the suburbs | Grist

The car dependency of America became even more engrained into the culture post world war 2 with the urban planning becoming more decentralized and thus car centered. A notable emphasis on suburban planning could be seen with a lot of urban citizens moving from urban areas to suburban areas that are more car dependent. It was difficult for public transportation to keep up with this decentralized development and this made owning a car a necessity due to the lack of public transit. Moreover, interstate highways were built that offered fast and convenient travel for cars which made owning and using a car even more of an advantage.

American Freedom Truck - Metal Wall Art - TrophySmack

Furthermore, the obsession of Americans with cars is also due to the highly individualistic culture of the US that is obsessed with freedom. It would be an understatement to say that the cultural notions of freedom and mobility have an effect on Americans being less inclined to use public transportation and more likely to prefer personal travel. Unlike public transportation with pre-designated destinations, American car owners are free to travel to anywhere they want with their cars. With personal vehicles, they have full control over their transportation which is a major benefit for Americans who highly value freedom. The freedom to travel whenever they want, without being affected by schedules or routes that public transits have is an attractive feature of cars for them. I haven’t even mentioned the increased sense of comfort and security that comes with personal vehicles.

Transportation For America Local business groups fight for public transit - Transportation For America

Now that we have determined why public transit is much less developed and popular compared to personal and autonomous travel, lets look at the state of the existing public transportation system in the US. Public transportation in the US consists of Subway, train, buses and many more with the most widespread being the buses.  This makes sense, as the buses are also able to utilize the interstate highways and roads built for cars unlike rails and subways that require special infrastructure built for them.  However, Subways as a form of public transportation are very popular in highly populated urban areas which may be due to them being cheaper and sometimes even faster (due to traffic) than traditional vehicles.

US Public Transit Has Struggled to Retain Riders over the Past Half Century. Reversing This Trend Could Advance Equity and Sustainability. | Urban Institute

Still, there is a negative connotation that comes alongside public transportation in urban areas as it can attract dangerous people such as addict, criminals and people with untreated violent mental disorders which can make dangerous at certain hours, especially for women. This may also have an effect on why public transportation even on these urban areas have become less used over the past half century.

The real reason American public transportation is such a disaster - Vox

This brings the question: “How do we fix this?”. Public transport has numerous benefits as I mentioned in the beginning which makes it a worthwhile issue to solve. To begin with, I believe that making public transport more secure would be an important step.  Installing more cameras in the stations and vehicles could be a method that might make people, especially women and children, more inclined to utilize it during late hours. Moreover, making it cleaner is another crucial step. The subways in New York are notoriously dirty which makes them unpleasant to use, spending more budget to make it cleaner could make it a cleaner and more comfortable experience and attract more people.  Also, investing smartly, such as putting high speed trains between popular plane routes could make investing on public transport less risky for companies and politicians.

The real reason American public transportation is such a disaster - Vox

In conclusion, public transportation in America is very lackluster due to the highly car dependent nature of the cities as well as people. However, it is still crucial to invest in public transportation as it has numerous benefits including environmental sustainability and accessibility. Despite the government being unwilling to invest much in public transportation, there are still ways to improve public transportation and make it more popular among the general public such as making it more secure and clean which can allow the officials to reconsider investment on public transportation.


Public transit in the United States – Statistics & Facts | Statista

Driven! America’s Obsession with the Automobile – Exhibitions – University of Iowa Libraries (

Wrong Turn: America’s Car Culture and the Road Not Taken – Yale E360