As a country, we aren’t doing enough to provide for the men and women who risked their lives on a daily basis for our freedom…
I believe that many of the sacrifices that are given by the men and women of all ethnicities who fight for our everyday freedoms tend to go unnoticed.
They all sacrifice quality time with their loved ones for months or years. They all sacrifice the comforts of home whether that be a comfortable bed or regular toiletries. They all sacrifice holidays, birthdays, births of their children. Some, even make the ultimate sacrifice and die for our freedom.
An article titled “Five veterans affairs hospitals remain at bottom ratings for third year in row,” published in the newspaper version of USA Today on October 4th, discussed the depletion of veterans hospitals across the states.
The quality of Veteran hospitals has been an ongoing and prevalent issue in the United States and Veteran community. Many hospitals have dropped down one star or more because of poor quality services and medical care.
My client, the veterans of the United States, deserve better than this. This is a negative article that can be turned positive by spreading the word about the atmosphere of this hospitals. There needs to be a change implemented. The main audience here is all Americans. I believe it is our duty to help our Veterans especially when it comes to medical care. Everyone should do their part to help and create awareness for the conditions of these hospitals.
Public relations professionals can piggyback off of this by covering more media like this. This article highlights an important and ongoing problems that America has to address. It is not right to not be giving excellent care to the people who once sacrificed so much for this country. This is a media generated article because it is an important issue. Overall, this problem is a significant one that has an impact on so many veterans and families.