Media Matters


Brian Kilmeade of Fox & Friends claimed that “not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims” -Brian Kilmeade (Fox news host)

US media constantly utilize the word “terrorism” in reference to Arab,Muslim and Islamic populations and culture. This may reinforce the anti-Muslim notions and stereotypes. Although some may not recognize or believe in anti-Muslim media propaganda, it does exist. r I write this blog post in hopes that you will question what knowledge you obtain from the media. This blog post will discuss themes of  anti-Muslim propagation in the media and its effects.


We gain a lot of information from the media especially concerning world conflicts.Propaganda may be utilized to rally people behind a cause. But what happens when it is at the cost of misrepresenting and exaggerating an entire culture and population. Media propaganda refers to all media including press, radio, television, film, buttons, speeches, etc. to spread a message.

Propaganda is powerful because everyone is susceptible to it whether they realize it or not. Propaganda is a systematic process including 1) the ideology and purpose of the propaganda campaign, 2) the context in which the propaganda occurs, 3) identification of the propagandist, 4) the structure of the propaganda organization, 5) the target audience, 6) media utilization techniques, 7) special various techniques, 8) audience reaction to various techniques, 9) counter-propaganda, if present, and 10) effects and evaluation (Bruck, Manzria, 2013)


While Anti-Muslim themes have always been present in the US culture after  9/11 they have become more present and in lately have become more frequent as well as blatant in their message. Anti-Muslim media propaganda utilizes selective stories, partial facts, narrow sources of experts as well as reinforcing reasons and motivations to excite audiences. For example fox news in particular is one of the most criticized stations for anti-Muslim themes. (Please watch the video below for an elaboration)

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The term terrorist is seldom applied to governments or pro-government paramilitaries. Instead the term is applied to an entire religion. The word terrorist carries a negative stigma and is specifically used to condemn and demonize a organization or particular demographic. Propaganda tends to appeal to emotions over intellect. Propaganda has the power to affect people’s everyday life, decisions as well as preferences. Effects of propaganda may include misplaced anger, promotion of hatred of a particular group, may increase hate crimes against this culture or population as well as promote fear in the public (Turley,2012)


In order to defend against propagation we must be aware of the general perspective media utilizes to frame the problem. The public needs to demand that media be sensitive to situational demands no matter how miniscule. News stations also need to be more diligent in journalist and advise them not to use terms indiscriminately and to avoid over applying them.  Media should also offer point of both sides  not one sided stacked arguments that center around name calling. Again the meaning of this post was to encourage readers to not blindly follow the media’s perspective but to acquire knowledge about a subject and create your own.

“Propaganda becomes ineffective the moment we are aware of it”

-Joseph Goebbels


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Bruck, J., Manzaria, J.(2013)  Media’s Use of Propaganda to Persuade People’s Attitude, Beliefs and Behaviors. Retrieved from:
Turley, J. (2012) Propaganda 101: What you Need to Know and Why. Retrieved from:

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