Everything You Need to Know About Global Warming, Without the Politics

Our planet is getting hotter, temperatures are hitting record highs year over year. Pollen counts are increasing exponentially due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and sea levels are rising to such an extent that Indonesia is changing its capital from Jakarta because the city is expected to drop off into the ocean and sink.

This is a global problem that requires a global response. However, the influencers, policy makers and world leaders are so entrenched in ideological warfare that it has become impossible to build consensus on solutions.

In today’s article, I will provide an overview of what the complexities of this problem look like, what is being done by world leaders that exacerbates the problems and what solutions have actually been implemented that are making a positive difference.

Stop Denying Climate Change

One of the first points of conflict that must end is the denial of climate change. Although the science isn’t exact on just what the causes are or who is responsible, there can be no refutation of its effects. When US Senators bring snowballs into the Senate and try to use it to refute climate change, they are being hyperbolic and unhelpful.

Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, the importance of having a healthy environment is not up for debate. If you’re a nature lover that appreciates a good fishing or hunting trip or a nature lover who enjoys peaceful hikes through the woods, a vibrant and healthy outdoors is crucial to every human’s health and well being.

There Are More Trees Today

Despite woes and lamentations about the problem of deforestation, there are actually more trees today than there were thirty five years ago. This isn’t to suggest that society shouldn’t be concerned about deforestation, but it does seriously imply that one of the root causes of climate change is not the destruction of the rain forest. In fact, the increase in the number of trees globally actually makes sense as an effect of climate change. As more carbon dioxide is produced and released into the atmosphere, more trees are able to “eat” – think of it like a giant, all you can eat buffet for trees. This surplus of food supply also means that trees are more fertile, releasing more pollen and thus creating more trees. It’s the circle of life.

Return of CFC’s

In 2019 it was discovered that CFC’s (Chlorofluorocarbons) were once again being released into earth’s atmosphere, despite being banned by the Montreal Protocol of 1987, which saw the international community agree to ban CFC’s and have them completely eliminated by 2020. Unfortunately, due to the widespread agreement, scientists became less vigilant in there policing of the use of CFC’s. Until it was discovered that China was the culprit, releases tonnes of the highly dangerous chemical into the atmosphere and contributing to a new hole in the ozone layer.

This illustrates one of the dangers of building widespread consensus. Complacency becomes the norm as the collective mind of the global society pats themselves on the back and says, “job well done”.

Too Many People

One of the loudest arguments in favor of slowing climate change is that humans need to stop reproducing. The claim is that population is wildly out of control and with over seven billion people on the planet, the earth simply cannot handle that much human life.

This argument is problematic. First, overpopulation is not an issue in modern Western countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Continental Europe and Australia. Census numbers from these countries illustrate a bigger socioeconomic problem. There are too many older people in these countries and not enough young people being born to support the structures of the society.

Over population is a significant problem in places such as India, China, parts of Africa and even areas of the Middle East. Large families are a normal part of their respective cultures. In fact, only recently did China end it’s “one child per family” policy because it was finally seeing the destructive effects of this policy on their society.

The End of Hubris

The challenges of overpopulation are real in certain parts of the world. Modern Western societies must be extremely careful of their own Hubris when it comes to addressing this specific concern. Although it may be in the best interest of the global community to see a slowing down of population growth in India, the change in culture required cannot be applied by an outside influence. This is antithetical to Western values of Freedom and Liberty – governments do not have the right to legislate the way people think.

It is incredibly arrogant for Western policy makers and official voices on climate change to point accusing fingers at countries where overpopulation may be a significant problem. In addition, it is just as dangerous for these same people to turn their accusations inward at the people they stand for. Attempting to adopt population controls breaches one of the fundamental rights of a human being – the right to control his or her own body. Further, if rhetoric about population control is focused on a society that is underpopulated, then this will only serve to bring more damage to the social fabric.


Hubris and arrogance also rear their ugly heads in the underlying ideology on stopping climate change. It is a mistake to believe that nature, the planet, wildlife, etc. will cease to exist because of the actions of human beings. We are not that powerful. Nature will continue, with or without humans.

Therefore, instead of framing the climate change debate as one of “save the planet”, a more accurate and impactful message would likely be “don’t commit suicide” – because ultimately, the only thing that will become extinct as a result of human caused climate change, is humans.

Doing more to prevent global warming, to lower green house gas emissions and to bring sea levels back to a normal level requires a massive amount of time, energy and resources. Without consensus and commitment from everyone concerned on how to move forward, limiting or stopping climate change is about as tenable as achieving world peace.

Instead, it is once again the power of the individual to affect change that will bring positive results to combat climate change. Such is the case with Dutch teenager and activist, Boyan Slat. Seven years ago he formulated a vision to rid the oceans of plastic, a very specific and measurable goal. Today, his vision is becoming realty as his invention is being used to tackle the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

It is these types of initiatives, not international accords, coercive manipulation and hysterical rhetoric that will provide the best outcomes in the war with a warming planet.


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