The Impact of Climate Changes on Mental Health

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Global warming has been a present issue nationwide for years.(Cianconi, Betrò, & Janiri, 2020). Global warming is likely to cause widespread emergencies in the future. These events lead to extreme heat, change in water, coastal storms and extreme droughts. However, global warming presents a bigger threat to humans. Climate change has an impact on a large part of the population, in different geographical that presents threats to public health. The effects of climate change can affect some mental disorders.

There are common effects of climate change that affect those that are more vulnerable. Researches have studied the associated between psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, schizophrenia, mood disorder and depression, suicide, aggressive behaviors in compared to climate change and extreme weather (Cianconi, Betrò, & Janiri, 2020).  Acute events act as a mechanism similar to that of traumatic stress leading too psychopathological patterns. This consequences into extreme exposure of stress and anxiety when there are prolonged weather-related changes. There are cases of mental health that outcomes of climate change range from minimal stress too distress symptoms such as anxiety, sleep disturbances, depression, post-traumatic stress and suicidal thoughts(Cianconi, Betrò, & Janiri, 2020). Therefore, it can be concluded that climate changes affects certain individual that have a  mental health condition.

We may ask ourselves, who is responsible for these climate changes? Ultimately, we are the ones responsible for the changes that occur. Human activities have altered the atmospheric composition, that produces a greenhouse effect which leads to global warming(Cianconi, Betrò, & Janiri, 2020). Let’s think about how much pollution is produced in the environment for production for our daily needs. Although our activities may simplify our daily life, we are destroying the environment with these harsh toxics. In addition, we are harming ourselves in the long run. We are the ones living in this environment. We breathe the same air that we are polluting. Our ecosystem will face plant and animal extinction if we continue to harsh our environment.

Let’s face it, our human activities are harming our environment. Not only is it harming, the environment but it brings harms to our health, plants and animals. Research has proved that climate changes impacts those who are vulnerable and have a present mental health condition. Climate changes leads to anxiety, depression, stress and sleep disturbances in humans. There is an interconnect between physical health, mental health and over all well-being associated to extreme climate changes. Let’s think about the last time you were extremely hot. You probably got irritated, until you were able to cool off. Now image, someone with a present mental health disorder that cannot associate both factors together. These individuals are more vulnerable and experience higher levels of stress when a change occurs in their environment. However, we should look at the bigger picture, our plants and animals are also suffering from these climate changes. Human must make changes in order to better our environment.


Cianconi, P., Betrò, S., & Janiri, L. (2020, March 01). Directory of Open Access Journals. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from



  1. A very interesting post! The issue of climate change isn’t just a problem for one person, but a shared problem that affects us all. All of the pollution caused by human activity directly harms the environment. Climate change not only affects physical health but can also cause mental health problems and exacerbate those who already have mental health issues, often increasing suicidal thoughts. A family member of mine suffers from seasonal affective disorder and this condition is related to climate and the amount of exposure to sunlight. Pollution and climate change can worsen the symptoms of those with this disorder. (Gladka et al. 2018) There is no question that pollution in the environment affects physical health. Research shows, “in the absence of effective infrastructure services, poorly designed and enforced regulations on air quality and waste management, contribute to the deterioration of air quality”. (Khafaie & Abdullatif) As a result, we can see the worsening symptoms of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Pollution has an effect on both the mental and physical well being of all of us.

    The consequences of ignoring environmental warnings are past due and the evidence of climate change is compelling. I believe tackling the issues of climate change is a global effort and a shared problem that we can all work together to reduce carbon emissions and search for cleaner sources of energy production. Major policy reform needs to happen combined with awareness and education on the matter. Just having a friendly conversation about it and providing evidence with someone on a small scale can lead to greater public awareness.

    Gladka A, Rymaszewska J, Zatonski T (2018) Impact of air pollution on depression and suicide. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 31:711–721
    Khafaie, Morteza Abdullatif, et al. “Extreme Pollution, Climate Change, and Depression.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, vol. 26, no. 22, 2019, pp. 22103–22105., doi:10.1007/s11356-019-05727-5. Accessed 20 Sept. 2020.

  2. I agree with you. We need to be better stewards of the earth. By educating others we can begin to bring about change. According to an article written in the International Journal of Mental Health Systems, there is research that is looking closely at the direct impacts of physical health. Some of these impact are weather related deaths, respiratory illnesses cause by poor air quality and the availability of food and water. (Fritze, Jessica G., et al. 2008) In the hopes of curtailing this environmental issue , a group out of Australia has implemented a plan to help by educating the public, monitoring the situation locally, legislative reform and health mediation. (Fritze, Jessica G., et al. 2008) Now is the time to be proactive.

    Fritze, J.G., Blashki, G.A., Burke, S. et al. Hope, despair and transformation: Climate change and the promotion of mental health and wellbeing. Int J Ment Health Syst 2, 13 (2008).

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