Nationwide people are being impacted from cruelty injustice acts by law enforcers. There are riots being started, and protests being done, in order for individuals voices to be heard.  Black lives matter, is a movement of umbrella that is using race, as a mean to promote causes. However the movement itself, is not benefiting or changing the actual issue. We should ask ourselves what has the movement actually changed? There are still people of color being killed and impacted daily.

BLM is a movement that involves the injustice and discrimination of people of color. However, if we look deeply into the movement, there are promotions being rallied in such a difficult time (Bigger issues for BLM, 2020 Thursday). The purpose of the movement is too act against the police, and law enforcers. However, this has not made any changes in the law system. Everything continues to be the same. There are still people being killed and mistreated due to foolish acts.

Have you seen, how many BLM wardrobe has been made during this issue? There are people making money endorsing BLM wardrobe. Yet is the money being used in order to change the actual situation? Anyone can put the logo BLM and advertise it, to the community. As, the people we need to unit together, all races and come together and demand change. Rioting and rallies will not change the situation. We should write letters and demand meetings in people that are of rank and start by educating everyone in the discrimination that millions are facing.

There are more effective strategies, that can be used in order to bring awareness to the BLM. One strategy for reducing prejudice and discrimination was proposed by social psychologist Gordon Allport in 1954. The work of Gordon, argued that if people with different group characteristics could get to know each other and work together, prejudice, stereotypes, and the impulse to discriminate would decrease (Gruman, J.A., 2016). We need too use our influence to try to activate social change. Law makers need to educate their staff on discrimination. And lectures need to occur about the history of black people. This will bring an understanding to the matter. We have tried other ways, and it has not helped the situation. But, how can people be understood, if there is no understanding.


Gruman, J. A.,  Schneider, F. W. , &. Coutts, L.M. (Eds.). (2016). Applied social psychology: Understanding and addressing social and practical problems 3rd edition. SAGE Publications.

(July 23, 2020 Thursday). Bigger issues for BLM. The Daily Telegraph (Australia). Retrieved from


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