Gender Diversity

Demographic diversity is a very complex and popular topic today. Demographic diversity is all about the core characteristics that make up a person and influence their life experiences. Examples of demographic diversity include but are not limited too race, gender, social class, sexual identity, and religion.

Sex and gender is such a common topic in today’s world. Gender still continues to affect people everyday especially in the workplace. The LGBTQ community also faces many challenges when it comes to this topic. Many people don’t think there is a difference between sex and gender but there is. “The term sex refers to the biological distinction of being male or female, whereas the term gender refers to the social or learned characteristics that are associated with being male or female.” (Gruman, 393). When thinking of gender think about the things that society “considers” to be male or female. Males are considered to be masculine, tough, the provider, and assertive. Females are considered to be caring, soft, and kind hearted. Females are also more likely to be stay at home moms while the males are more likely to provide for their families.

We have come a long way in the differences in gender and the diversity that is seen in this topic. Women used to not be able to vote or be a CEO of a company. Now a days women can vote, women are CEO’s or bosses, and there are even stay at home dads. The diversity in gender in the workplace has changed a lot since this first was a problem. Women are now have equal opportunities as men and are seen as just as strong as males.

Even though we have come so far in gender diversity there is still work to be done. Sexism is still a thing and problem today. “Sexism is differential and often detrimental treatment of a person based on that person’s sex.” (Gruman, 394). Sexism includes negative comments, thoughts, and attitudes towards women. Examples of sexism include women are supposed to cook and clean, women are supposed to be stay at home moms, or women can’t run a company. While sexism has really died down in today’s society there is still some work to be done.

There has been a huge improvement on gender diversity in the workplace and I would like to continue to see that happen. Women are filling just as many positions as males are filling in companies. Women are putting in just as much work as males are in today’s workplace. Women deserve to be treated equal and have just as many opportunities as males are. I love the progress that has been made in this topic and would love to see in continue and grow even more.

Gruman, Jamie A., et al. Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems. 3rd ed., SAGE, 2017.

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