Center for Astrostatistics
Online statistical software for astronomy and related physical sciences
StatCodes is a Web metasite with links to public domain software implementing statistical methods. The codes are chosen
for their potential utility for research in astronomy and other physical sciences. Some are obtained from large code
archives (such as R, CRAN, StatLib, GAMS), while others are scattered
throughout the Internet. It
includes multi-purpose statistical computing systems, single-purpose packages, single-purpose source codes, and various
Web resources and services. StatCodes listings are organized by statistical topic.
In mid-2005, StatCodes was updated and incorporated into Penn State’s Center
for Astrostatistics (CASt). CASt provides a range of statistical resources for the physical scientist including
astrostatistical tutorials, annotated bibliographies, conferences and research in addition to StatCodes.
- The R statistical package
- Other broad-scope statistics packages & libraries
- On-line resources in statistics
- Correlation & regression
- Density estimation, smoothing & splines
- Multivariate classification & analysis
- Nonparametric methods
- Spatial statistics & image analysis
- Statistical distributions
- Survival analysis (censored data)
- Time series analysis
- Visualization tools
StatCodes is now located at CASt ( and is maintained by Eric Feigelson, who would be glad to hear of other codes appropriate
for listing here. Listing in StatCodesdoes not constitute any warranty concerning the validity,
quality or applicability of the code.
Last StatCodes update: May 2005