Monthly Archives for September 2019

Previewing the Paradigm Shift: Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation

A paradigm shift is defined as a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. This article discusses how smartphone use has completely changed a generation and it has started to effect them mentally, socially, and physically. The author calls everyone born between 1995 and 2012 to be part of the iGen, a group that is […]

The Student Loan Crisis in America This comic is making fun of the student loan crisis as it is becoming more relevant in 2019. This comic is arguing that easiest way to end the student debt crisis is for the students to simply pay back the loans that they took out. This ad was very appelaing as it made the […]

What actually kills people?

Bumper stickers are often used to create a short, eye catching, and have a message. Gun control has become one of the biggest issues in America now and the government is constantly deliberating how to handle the situation. Bumper stickers are often used to create a short, eye catching, and have a message. This bumper […]

Kairos in the Salvation Army advertisement

Examples of Kairo can be found throughout history in advertisements, commercials, or even memes. In 2015 a viral picture that went around the internet was a dress that some people saw to be black/blue while others saw it as white/gold. Everyone was talking about the “dress” and it was even being covered by the news. […]