Kairos in the Salvation Army advertisement

Examples of Kairo can be found throughout history in advertisements, commercials, or even memes. In 2015 a viral picture that went around the internet was a dress that some people saw to be black/blue while others saw it as white/gold. Everyone was talking about the “dress” and it was even being covered by the news. That is why it was genius when the Salvation Army used the “dress” in one of their ads in 2015. The marketing team of the Salvation Army used all the buzz in the media about the “dress” to address a more serious issue.

Why is it so hard to see black and blue? #thedress-inspired advertising campaign for The Salvation Army in South Africa (courtesy Ireland Davenport)

The question that they posed in the ad was very simple, “Why is it so hard to see black and blue.” The women in the ad is wearing the white and gold version of the dress but she has bruises all around her body which are black and blue. The ad draws in the audience because the viral dress had been getting everyone confused on what color the dress actually was. Therefore, it was very engaging to see the women in the white and gold dress in the ad. The ad has a very big sense of urgency as it calls to the issue of domestic abuse and how one in 6 women are victims of domestic abuse.The Salvation Army wanted to bring light to this issue and using the “dress” which was talked about by almost everyone was a good choice.

The Salvation Army wanted to appeal to their audience’s emotions and show them the reality of what women face all around the world. They captured the audiences attention with the dress, and used it to educate their audience on how common domnestic violence really is. The salvation army wants the audience to feel almost a little guilty for what happens to women on daily basis.

I think that the Salvation Army chose a really good time to use the “dress” to their favor in order to educate their audience on domestic abuse and violence. It is an issue that is often overlooked and image really puts into perspective a real world concering topic. By capturing the audiences attention with the dress they were able to cultivate a conversation about donmestic abuse.

One Response

  1. Rose Spahn says:

    You used a perfect example of kairos and I found your choice of ad very interesting! I am very interested to discover what platform the salvation army used to promote this ad. I’m guessing that it was some type of social media because that is where most of the “buzz” about the dress began, so most of the users would better understand it, but it would be interesting to reference. The logos used in this advertisement was also very effective. Writing “one in six” instead of like 17% of women draws more attention to the large amount of women that are victims of domestic abuse.

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