The Student Loan Crisis in America

Image result for student loan crisis

This comic is making fun of the student loan crisis as it is becoming more relevant in 2019. This comic is arguing that easiest way to end the student debt crisis is for the students to simply pay back the loans that they took out. This ad was very appelaing as it made the student loan crisis seem like it had a very simple fix when in fact it is the complete opposite. Loan servicers are screwing over their borrowers and not allowing their borrowers to be successful in paying back their student loans, even though they claim that is what their main goal is. The comic depicts a recent graduate, being taught by someone that they need to pay back their loan since they took it out. The teacher may be telling the graduate that paying the loan back as quick as possible after graduation would benefit him, as he would have to pay less interest. I think that it is interesting how crisis is put into quotations in the comic, as it is implying that the student loan crisis is fake and not in fact a real issue. The comic is arguing that the crisis would not be real if the students had just paid back their loans. But the fact is that paying back student loans is not simple, as the average college tuition has increased rapidly, while average salary in the United States has barely increased. This has made it more and more difficult for students to pay back their loans, and on top of that the job market has also become way more difficult to compete in.

While the comic argues that it is the student borrowers that have created this crisis, loan borrower services should be the ones to blame in fact. Along with these loan borrower services, the Department of education should be blamed as they do not have intentions for the student borrowers. This comic is in the wrong as it accuses the students when in fact they are trying their best to pay back the loans.


3 Responses

  1. cxp5510 says:

    If I remember correctly, your speech artifact was an episode of Hasan Minaj’s Netflix series “The Patriot Act” about the student debt crisis. I was just wondering how you were specifically planning on connecting the two beyond the obvious point that they display two different takes on the issue? I was also wondering where the comic was featured and what (if any) story was connected to it.

  2. Grace Norfleet says:

    Adarsh, after hearing your outline, the fact that you found this comic is perfect. The portion of your post where you went into detail in critiquing the comic seemingly mocking the crisis by adding quotations was very strong, and I feel like that will be a really strong point to use in your essay. My only constructive comment would be to add a little sentence variety, especially when starting the sentence. Can’t wait to hear the speech!

  3. Rose Spahn says:

    I agree with you that this comic does not access the true causes of the student loan crisis and neglects to acknowledge the large amounts of challenges that student face when trying to repay their student loans. I think that you could discuss the differences between the call-to-action in this comic and your other artifact. This comic is simply telling students to repay their student loans. If I remember correctly your artifact for your speech is an episode of The Patriot Act that discusses how America needs to cope with the student loan crisis, so you could discuss how the call-of-action for that artifact is more about politicians and citizens voting to help prevent further worsening of the student loan crisis.

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