Do You Think That Studies Are Bunk?

in the article Studies Are Usually Bunk, Study Shows, author Andy Kessler suggests to the reader that behavioral economic studies are nothing but, “the study of college kids in psych labs.” He says this because he thinks that these behavioral studies are not good evidence to prove anything because oftentimes these studies are not even able to be duplicated a second time. I don’t agree with Kessler as I think these behavioral studies are great evidence to show how society often acts and what the cause and correlation usually are in these situations.

Kessler even attacks Malcolm Gladwell in saying that his study that success comes with 10,000 hours of practice is not true. He compares basketball player Steph Curry is a pro at basketball because he has practiced his skills for over 10,000 hours of practice watching TV. He saying that just because there is correlation there does not have to be any causation. However, I do agree with Kessler that we should look more at the research to see which behavioral studies should actually be applied to the way in which society works.

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