Ted Talk: How to use data to make a hit TV show

Sebastian Wernicke discusses how companies such as Amazon, Google, and Netflix have been relying on data to figure our trends and to see what will become a successful product for them. One example that he uses is that Amazon used data to find out that a show about 4 senators may be successful so they went ahead and aired the show. The show did well but not as good as they were hoping it would do after looking at the data. On the other hand, Netflix also took some data and they found out that a show about one senator may do well, you may know it as “House of Cards.” It was a major success for Netlflix it got them a lot of attention. Wernicke wants to show that while this data may be very lucrative for these companies and industries it is not always as successful as the numbers should turn out to be.

While Wernicke only has one visual in his presentation I would say that is was a very strong one. On a whiteboard, he has drawn a bell curve that shows the distribution of television show ratings. He refers to the graph many times and gives examples of what kind of shows would place where on the graph. I think that this allows the audience to really understand the graph with their personal experience of how well a TV show may have been rated. I think that Wernicke could have used more visuals to engage the audience more, but I believe that his Ted Talk is still very strong without them. This example shows me that a Ted Talk really gets the audience’s attention and takes them through a journey throughout the talk so that it leaves them with the message the speaker is trying to make.

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