The Mandalorian

I am sure by now that you have seen the memes of baby Yoda on the internet, as it caught the world be surprised that a Yoda could look so cute. But if you were wondering where all of those pictures of baby Yoda came from, I am here to clear that up for you. The Disney Plus, original show, The Mandalorian has gotten great reviews and has already got many users hooker onto it. The Mandalorian is a show that takes place in the Star Wars universe, and it is about the adventures of a Mandalorian, and a special creature that everyone seems to want.

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In the Star Wars Universe, Mandalorians are bounty hunters that used to be very prestigious and dignified race, until they almost were eradicated. Now few of them are alive, and the Mandalorian that we follow in the show happens to be lucky enough to come into possession of a creature that the empire wants. This creature being the baby version of Yoda.

I think one of the reasons that this show blew up when it was released was because of baby Yoda. Everyone wanted to see what baby Yoda was since there was no other version of Yoda in the Star Wars Universe. Another reason why I think that this show became very popular was because of the massive fan base of the Star Wars universe. Around the same time that the show was released the last episode of the new trilogy of Star Wars was also releasing. Star Wars has always had a very big fan base and they are always yearning for new content. That is why the entire fan base got very hype when they found out that there would be a new show occurring in the Star Wars Universe.

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I really enjoyed watching this show because even if you are not well versed in what is going on in the Star Wars universe, it is still really easy to follow. Anyone who starts watching this show will be hooked by the end of the first episode. They always end on a cliff hanger and keep you wanting more. Many critics say that the Mandalorian has been carrying the Disney Plus streaming service as it has kept bringing in many users. The next season of the Mandalorian will be airing later this year in October if you are interested in watching.

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