A Little Goodbye

Well this has been quite a first year of college, and it has actually been fun and quite crazy. Going to college in the middle of a pandemic was something I never planned on doing, but it is an experience I wouldn’t change. As we near the end of the year we reflect on past classes, and assignments. This blogging assignment has been at the top of my list of favorites (which is saying something because I do not usually have a list of favorites when it comes to assignments). During this assignment I have been able to share with y’all my love for all things Disney, and give y’all some advice on some amazing movies/shows to watch. I have been saving this topic for a special time and now that this blog is coming to a close I have decided right now would be that special time.

As many of you can tell I am extremely nerdy and tend to have what I would call “nerd fits”, but I don’t think you guys have fully experienced a true Abbie Nerd Fit and it is time that changed. I have said that my favorite Disney movie is Hercules many times, but it is important to note that Hercules is actually my favorite movie of all time. Everything about that movie makes me so happy. I used to watch this movie everyday to help me sleep. It has gotten to the point where I can nearly quote the entire movie. I was hanging out with Poorvika and Leena and we were watching it and I swear they thought that I was insane. Either way this movie brings me so much joy and whenever I am having a bad day I put it on and suddenly things just get so much better.

I have many reasons why this is my favorite movie, one of them is that Hercules literally has the best villain ever. Hades is such a mood and I love him so much. I think he is one of the funniest villains in the Disney universe. I could literally make a list of some of my favorite quotes and scenes that he is in. James Woods does an amazing job at bringing the sarcastic Greek God to life (also the fact that he is also from Utah makes me so happy). Obviously there is no way that I could write about Hercules without mentioning Danny DeVito. He truly is the star of this movie! His Phil is so funny and if there is a live action Hercules I don’t think anyone could replace him. The amount of comedy genius in this movie is extraordinary. I will forever relate to Pain and Panic. When Panic is running down the stairs saying “I can do this I can do this” when he is about to talk to hades, is literally me getting up the courage to talk to anyone new. Not to mention “we are worms worthless worms” absolutely hilarious and quite relatable.

The music in this movie is also really good. I will forever belt at the top of my lungs “I won’t say I’m in love” or “Zero to hero”. OMG the Muses!! they are musical goddess (literally lol). Their voices are stunning and Thalia will forever be my favorite Muse. I quote “Honey you mean Hunk’ules” on a daily basis. All of the songs from this movie are amazing and I will jam out to every single one in the car.

It is important to note that I am very well aware of the fact that Hercules is very inaccurate. I know that truly Zeus was the bad guy not Hades, but that doesn’t make this movie any less good. Personally I do not want to watch this movie for a history lesson on Greek Mythology. I just want to enjoy a good animated Disney movie that I can laugh and sing along too.

Well I hope y’all enjoyed my final nerd fit. Please tell me what your favorite Disney movie is! I hope y’all have a fantastic end of the semester and I wish nothing but success for all of you.

“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, on behalf of everyone here at the Disney passion blog, I thank you for joining me these past couple months for a magic gathering of family, friends, fun, and fantasy. I hope your magical journey with us has created wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.

Walt Disney said that the Magic Kingdom is a world of imagination, hopes, and dreams. In this timeless land of enchantment, magic and make believe are reborn, and fairy tales come true. The Magic Kingdom is a place for the young and the young at heart. A special place where when you wish upon a star, your dreams can come true.

Until I see you again, have a safe trip home. Thank you, and goodnight.”

With all my love,



Final Post

As we near the end of the semester and this class we reflect on our past assignments. For the past little while I have been talking and trying to bring attention to the gender discrimination in this country, specifically female discrimination. While this is a very important topic of discussion it is important to recognize the fact that gender discrimination and inequality goes both ways. While historically women have had the brunt of the gender discrimination, that doesn’t mean that men don’t receive some as well.

in the past women have grown up with the expatiation that we need to be dainty and “ladylike”, but with the recent development of equality we know that we don’t need to be dainty, we just need to be ourselves. That same development has not been granted to men. They grow up with the knowledge that they cannot be emotional and they have to be the strong bread winner. I have many friends who have told me how hard it is to simply open up to me as a friend because of the way that they were raised.

Not only that but there are also some jobs that men hold that are known as a “woman job” that if they join, they continently get made fun of. Those jobs include but are not limited to, male nurses, or broadway actors. As a theater kid I grew up with many male friends with the same interest. The only difference was that people accepted me being in this profession, but not my male counterparts. People thought that they were gay or not manly enough.

As a woman I can relate to this constant judgement, and I do not wish that feeling on anyone. I guess what I am trying to say is that gender equality is more than just women struggling to make it world. It is the acceptance and love of everyone no matter their gender.

I think that is what I want my advocacy project to be about. I want to advocate for love. No matter their gender. I know this is a controversial statement, but I think that some women hold a double standard when it comes to men. It bugs me so much when I hear women say “ugh men” or talk about how much they suck because they are not emotional enough. I want to advocate for acceptance and equality based on gender.

The Falcon And The Winter Solider

Today started like any other day. I woke up checked my phone, watched Tik Tok for a little bit and then there was an ad that popped up. It was an ad for The Falcon and The Winter Solider. For some odd reason I thought that this was going to be coming out next Friday, so when I saw in the ad that it was released today, I screamed and immediately put it on. Before I begin: 


If you haven’t seen the first episode, I will be discussing what happens and my theories for future episodes, so proceed with caution. If you would like to still get the grade for comments, go ahead and tell me who’s side you were on in Civil War. 

Now that we got that out of the way lets get into the review. Overall this was a great first episode and I cannot wait to see where they take it. With the release and popularity of WandaVision there was a lot of pressure on TFTWS to make sure it lived up to Marvel fans expectations. As there is only one episode TFTWS’s fate is yet to be decided, but is seems as though right now it is heading in a good direction. Like most of the WandaVision episodes TFTWS does not have an end credit scene. Although Unlike WandaVision there is no catchy theme song. 

Theory 1:

There have been theories going around the internet that Captain America is dead in this show, but I have a different theory. As we know at the end of Endgame Cap goes back in time so that he can finally live his life with Peggy, and now he is old and wrinkled. My theory is that he is in fact not dead. Obviously the government can’t let society know that you are able to travel in time. If people know that, it can be very dangerous. I think that the government told everyone that he died, when in reality he is alive and just living a glorious life. There are a couple reasons that I don’t think that he is dead, and they are as follows: there is no  funeral in the show, and there is no way that Marvel would not show either the death or the funeral of the first avenger. If he died I also feel like there would be more cameos of other characters coming to morn his death. Finally, there is NO way that Bucky would be going on dates if Cap was dead. He would be morning him and be in an even more depressive state then is his currently. Maybe it’s just me grasping at strings to make sure that my favorite character and superhero does not die, but that is my theory on Caps death.

Theory 2:

In the show there is a ceremony for Captain America where Sam puts his shield into a glass case. My first reaction was “someone is going to try and steal that”. At the end of the episode the politician guy says that after the death of Captain America we need a new superhero to embodies everything America stands for. He then releases the new Captain America (which I will talk about later). I think that will piss Bucky and Sam off and Bucky will finally answer Sams texts, steal the shield and they will become badass superheroes.

Before we finish I would like to rant about one thing. They replaced Cap, and that infuriates me!!! No one other than Steve Rodgers can be Captain America and the fact that they had the audacity to replace him makes me so incredibly mad. When Captain America first went under the ice for 70 years they didn’t replace him then, what makes them think they can do it now! The audacity of these people infuriates me!

I can’t wait for next weeks episode. I’m excited to see more of Bucky and Sam and their chemistry together!

Marvel Marathon

This month I have decided that I am going to watch all the Marvel movies in chronological order. Now you might be thinking “Abbie there are like 23 movies and this month is midterms how are you going to do that?” My answer to that would be I don’t know, but I’m going to figure it out.  

There are of course some obstacles that I am going to face when doing this challenge. The first one is how am I going to watch all the movies? Well, most of the Marvel movies are on Disney+, the only ones that are not are, The Incredible Hulk, and the Spiderman movies, and I own those.  

The second obstacle (and probably the most important as a student) is when am I going to find time. My schedule is already ready pretty crazy, and this month is just 10x worse. So, I scheduled it out this way. These movies are going to be my reward for completing all my work. There are currently 23 movies and only 31 days in March. If I watch one movie a day, I should be good!  

The last obstacle I will face is getting through the movies that I genuinely dislike. Do not get me wrong I love this cinematic universe, but I’m not going to lie to you there are some that I don’t really like. For example: Captain marvel, The Incredible Hulk, and the first two Thor movies. I’m not saying I hate these movies, but they just are not my favorite 

I have already started this challenge and I am currently 4 movies in, so I need to play a little catch up. If you want to follow along, I will list below the correct order of the movies! 

  1. Captain America: The First Avenger
  2. Captain marvel
  3. Iron Man 1
  4. The Incredible Hulk (this one is not really important)
  5. Iron man 2
  6. Thor
  7. The Avengers
  8. Iron Man 3 
  9. Thor: Dark World
  10. Captain America: Winter Solider
  11. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
  12. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
  13. Avengers Age of Ultron
  14. Ant-Man
  15. Captain America: Civil War
  16. Doctor Strange
  17. Thor: Ragnarock
  18. Spiderman: Homecoming
  19. Black Panther
  20. Ant-man and the Wasp
  21. Avengers: Infinity War
  22. Avengers: Endgame
  23. Spiderman: Far From Home

Women In The Medical Field

When it comes to gender inequality in the medical field, it is impossible to ignore. Not only is there a difference between wages and hiring rates, but also the way that people are treated and viewed.  

The medical field is what is known as a “man’s world” and the brave women that try to become doctors fight every day for not just equality in their job, but respect. The situation is very similar to women in the military. Because these women are trying to make their way through a “man’s world”, many experience some type of sexual harassment. It may start off small, like little comments that people make, but then it eventually grows, and those little comments build up until that working environment is no longer bearable. Eventually those small cases of sexism build up to women not being able to get promoted to positions of authority or even recognized in medical literature. According to Women in Healthcare: Quick Take by the Catalyst “Women face high rates of sexual discrimination and harassment from faculty and staff in medical school. Medical students who are women reported high rates of sexism (45%) and crude behavior (18%) compared with their male counterparts (21% and 10% respectively).” This article talks about women in the medical field all over the world so if you would like to learn more, I will link the website below.  

The sad part about female wages in the medical field is that they are just like everywhere else. The Catalyst article that I mentioned earlier says that “Women physicians and surgeons made $0.67 to every $1 earned by their male counterparts in 2018.” Like I mentioned in one of my past blog posts, this is normal around the country and that is unacceptable.  

Even within the past decade we have come a very long way, but the fact that “when it comes to companies in the healthcare industry, women only hold 13% of CEO roles and 33% of senior leadership positions”, just proves that we still have a long way to go. If anyone reading this is in the pre-med program or knows of women in the pre-med program, I wish you luck and I know that you are going to do some amazing things! 

For those who want to learn more about this here is the Catalyst link: https://www.catalyst.org/research/women-in-healthcare/


To be completely honest I had no idea what I was going to write about this week. That was until Wednesday morning when I was getting ready for the day. I was of course listening to Disney music as I do every morning, and a song came on that I hadn’t heard in a very long time. I don’t know if any of yall have seen Enchanted, but when That’s how you know came on I was quite taken aback. I had not thought of that movie in so long, and I honestly was quite disappointed in myself. Of course, I did what any normal Disney lover would do, and I was prepared to spend that entire day procrastinating my schoolwork so I could watch that movie and well frankly any other Disney movie I wanted. But when I opened Disney+ and looked it up it was not there! My entire day, ruined. All I wanted to do was watch Amy Adams fall head over heels for Patrick Dempsy. I did a little googling to see if it was anywhere where I could watch it for free, but sadly no luck. While I couldn’t find where to watch it, I stumbled upon something even better. I found an Enchanted 2! That is right they are in the process of making a second Enchanted. There isn’t a lot of information on it yet considering they haven’t even started filming. All we really know is that Amy Adams is 100% going to be reprising her role as Giselle, and that makes me incredibly happy considering I don’t think anyone could play her the way Adams does! A while back, James Marsden said that if they were to do an Enchanted 2, he would totally be up to reprising his role; so I will not be surprised to see him in it. Considering Disney just announced news of this production in December of 2020 I do not foresee this movie coming anytime soon. They still must practice, choreograph, film, edit, etc. So, I have a feeling we will not be seeing this movie, which is titled Disenchanted, until 2022 at the earliest. 

I fell in love with Enchanted the minute that it hit the big screen in 2007. When everyone was falling for with Patrick Dempsey from Grays Anatomy (Which I’ve never seen please don’t come for me), I was falling in love with him from Enchanted. Because I love this movie so much, I thought I would share some of my favorite songs/clips. My absolute favorite song from the movie is So Close. It is such a beautiful song, and scene and if I don’t end up slow dancing to that song with the love of my life, I know I did something wrong.  *Edit: I’m watching the YouTube videos right now and I swear I just got free serotonin*


Thats how you know is a very close second. It is just such a feel good funny song to sing along to!


I just love the chipmunk!


On a totally different note, last week I told you guys that when I found out when Loki’s release date was, I would let you know. Well, it has officially been released and that date is June 11, 2021! 


A Very Brief History Lesson on Gender Discrimination

Whilst reading everyone’s civic issues blogs, I have noticed that they have done at least one blog post dedicated to the history of their civic issue. I think that is a fantastic idea because it helps me as the reader understand the reason they are writing and helps me understand the topic. As a result of this I have also decided to do a brief history lesson ogender discrimination.  

Gender discrimination has a very long history that stretches across the globe. Many societies had ideas of the female being weaker and frailer than the average man. Of course, there was the occasional society who thought otherwise, societies like the Vikings, Persians, and Spartans. It should be noted that Ancient Greek civilizations and the Spartan civilizations are different.  

While some civilizations had stronger ideas of equality between sexes, the majority did not. For example: The Roman Empire. The Roman empire was very much a male dominated civilization. Men played multiple roles in society, while the women only played 2. The first being the perfect wife; attending family affairs and generally taking care of the husband and all his needs. The second being the perfect baby maker. Her job was to produce strong healthy young men and raise them to be the perfect roman man. The average middle-class woman was never really educated and didn’t have any say in the family’s financial affairs. Of course, there were some exceptions to this, but those mostly happened among the wealthy upper-class women.  

This ideal that the Romans had about their women stayed in Europe long after the fall of the Roman Empire in 395 AD. The Roman Empire took over the majority of Europe (see map at the bottom), and so when they fell the gender ideals that they had stayed even though new nations were being formed. For example, in Great Britian. Those gender ideals in Great Britian stayed for a very long time. Women were seen as meek little creatures all throughout the medieval period to the Elizabethan to the Regency era. Women were expected to be virgins until marriage, their clothing was supposed to be modest, and they were raised to be the perfect wife and mother. When England came to North America, they brought that ideal with them.  

In this new land (which will be the United State of America in the future) women had very little say in pretty much anything. We could not join the army and so many women disguised themselves as men to be able to fight. Women have been fighting for their basic rights since the creation of the USA. In 1848 The Seneca Falls Convention (the first women’s rights convention) was held in New York. Hundreds of people attended that convention, men included. During the Civil War women worked as nurses on the battlefield, and some women acted as spies.  

During this time women did not have the right to vote, and the majority of them will not have that right until the 19th amendment in 1920, but in Wyoming in 1869 the legislature passed a law giving women the right to vote and hold office.  

The 1900’s in the USA was full of feminine rights achievement. During this period, we were finally able to vote, birth control was approved for preventing pregnancy, Title VII was signed which bans employment discrimination based on one’s race, sex, etc., and so much more. Another major achievement during this time was Roe v. Wade. The topic of abortion is still a huge controversial topic, but in 1973 it was a big deal. It was one of the first times that the government acknowledged a women’s right to her own body.  

To this day women are still making history. Vice President Kamala Harris is a prime example of that. She is the first woman and first woman of color to be elected as vice president of the United States. Being a woman in 2021 is an amazing thing, and I am proud of my female ancestors who helped mold the world that I currently live in. Even though we have come a long way there is still a long way to go, and I hope that this blog will help bring attention to these problems that are mostly overlooked.  

Roman Empire Map



New Disney Releases For 2021

These past few years Disney has been busy with new projects for us Disney lovers to enjoy! There are so many new movies and shows to look forward to that are coming out this year, but here are the five that I am most excited for.  


I am so excited for this movie! The movie follows Raya on the search for the last dragon in order to help bring peace to her land. To start off, the animation in this movie looks amazing! It is by the same creators that did Moana and Frozen, they never miss a beat. You can see how detailed the art is in her hair. When she is fighting you see every single strand moving! This movie also looks pretty funny and I love myself a comedy. Raya looks like an amazing fighter and I am so excited to see her in action.  


BLACK WIDOW (May 7 2021) 

To say that I love Marvel is an understatement, and Black Widow must be one of my favorite Avengers! I have been dreaming of her getting her own movie ever since she first showed up in Iron Man. Natasha is so mysterious and so I am super pumped to see and learn more about where she came from and her family. While watching the trailers I did see a hint of comedy in these movies, so I’m super excited to laugh my butt off.   


CRUELLA (May 28 2021) 

For a long time when I was younger Cruella DeVil would scare the living crap out of me. I mean who in their right mind would want to skin innocent puppies, but as I got older, I grew to love her crazy even more. There are very few Disney Villans who I would classify as truly insane, but Cruella would definitely be on that list. This trailer gives off major Harley Quinn vibes and I am honestly loving it. Maybe it is the Psychology major inside of me, but I am super excited to see Cruella slip slowly into maddness. When I first found out that Emma Stone was going to be playing Cruella, I honestly didn’t see it, but after watching this trailer and hearing her laugh I don’t know who else could play her.  


LOKI (May 2021) 

I’m going to say it… Loki is the best Marvel character and villan. I think that he is so funny and real, also very attractive! Unlike the other movies on this list Loki is actually going to be a TV show on Disney+ and I am beyond excited! I get to see my favorite man in green kick some major ass! When I watched this trailer I also learned that Owen Wilson is going to be in this show and I am totally here for it. This show looks so amazing and I cannot wait until it comes out. It does not have a specific release date yet, but the minute I find out I’ll let y’all know! 



Before watching this trailer, I had no idea who Shang-Chi was or what his role in the Marvel universe was, but that being said that only makes the mystery and excitement for the movie so much better. From all of the fan made trailers, and articles I have read it looks amazing! Because I don’t really know much about this character or what his story is I don’t really know what the movie is going to be about, but I still really really want to see it.  

*This is a fan made trailer, but I really like it!*


 Overall, I cannot wait for these movies and shows to come out. Now that Endgame happened, and the Avengers are “over” I am super excited to see the new wave of marvel characters. I can’t wait to love and watch new characters on the big screen! Let me know what movie y’all are excited for! 

Gender Discrimination in the US Military

When it comes to gender discrimination in the US, there is none more prevalent than in the US military. It is common knowledge that the military world is a man’s world, and women were just barely invited to the party.  When the US military was first formed women were not allowed to enlist. They simply stayed home and assisted with mending clothing, nursing, cooking, etc. Every now and then there was the occasional female who would disguise herself as a man and enlist, but when/if they were found out there was usually hell to pay. Finally in the 20th century women were able to enlist in the military as themselves, but still they were not allowed to serve in combat. That didn’t change until 2016 when all combat jobs were finally open. 

While we have come a long way from where we began, there is still much to do. To start off, many women in the military have reported that their performance grade is affected by how they are seen my others. To be more specific, if they are perceived as a slut or not. Gender inequality in the military revolves mostly around a women’s sex life. I was talking to my female cousin who is in the military about this, and she said that she must limit the time that she hangs out with her male friends. She does not spend too much time with them in fear that people will think she is a slut and then she will receive bad marks. The amount of sexual assault and harassment in the military is also astronomical. Many women in the military will most likely experience some type of sexual harassment, and probably assault. The thing is most do not report it. They do not report it out of fear of the repercussions from their male counterparts, and especially their male superiors.  

Probably one of the biggest discussions when it comes to women in the military is women in the draft if we ever need one again. There are two sides of this argument.  

Side one: Women should not be a part of the draft. They are needed at home, to help the country run smoothly while it is in a state of emergency. Also, since we have such a large male population, forcing women to register for Selective Service (draft) is unnecessary. 

Side two: Women should register for Selective. Not having them do that sends a bad sign saying that women are incompetent and not as important as men. The draft age is from 18-25 will be called so there are plenty of US citizens over the age of 25 to stay at home and keep the country running.  

Even though there has not been a draft since 1973, this is still a huge debate seeing as though Congress could reinstate the draft at any time when there is a case of national emergency. Personally, I believe that women should register for the draft. I think that we can be just as strong mentally, and physically as anyone if we tried to be.  

If you would like to learn more about women in the military or the draft here are a couple articals that you can read.  




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