RCL: Rhetoric and Civic

At the beginning of the semester, I had a general idea of what Rhetoric and Civic life were. I knew that activism was a part of it, and it was how you were involved in activism. I didn’t fully understand just how complex it is with the different lenses and perspectives that affect the message that is being conveyed in one form of media. I used to think you were either active or you weren’t which I don’t necessarily think is true anymore. Everyone has beliefs and chooses to act on those beliefs in different ways.

Rhetoric and Civic life are far from black and white, which is another part that I learned through the semester. At the beginning of class, when I thought about civic engagement or rhetorical criticism, I thought of black and white issues where there was a wrong side and a right side. With the skills that I learned in the class, I now see that other problems are not so clean-cut because they affect so many people and have so many perspectives. And even the issues before that I was very set in my opinions on them, I realized there are deeper layers to every problem that I wasn’t seeing before.


Tarot Overview

I still had a few cards left in the Major Arcana to go through,

but I don’t want to leave you guys hanging on the Minor Arcana.

There are four suits in the Minor Arcana: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles.

Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meanings |Tarot Reading

Each suit has an Ace through 10 with four face cards.

The cards within a suit all fall into a category:

The Cup cards are all associated with relationships and connections.

Wands are action cards.

They require movement, 

Most of the wand cards often call for a directing of energy.

Swords are conflict cards.

For me, they are similar to the vibes of Justice in the Major Arcana:

Cold and cutting straight to the truth.

In my experience, swords can be brutal, but the truths they reveal are worth it.

Finally, the Pentacles.

Pentacles deal with material wealth and money. 

Finances are their forte.

They can be really helpful when you need to make a daunting decision.

I also got a comment asking about doing readings for guidance, (I responded but I don’t know if everyone can see it).

The answer is literally all the time.

Mental Health Tarot Spread — Emerald Lotus Divination Tarot Guide ...

I used to get panic attacks and anxiety spirals all the time.

Doing a reading really helps slow your mind down and focus on something other than your thoughts or whatever is stressing you out.

Can’t think of a question in the middle of a panic attack?


My go-to for when I want to do a reading just because is to ask the question “What do I need?”

There are also other ways to use tarot cards to help your mental health.

Tarot is a great meditation tool.

There are many different methods that you can research online if you are interested,

but the most basic way to meditate using tarot is to choose a card and really visualize the aspects of the card in your life.

It’s great for the mind.

Tarot is a seriously interesting research rabbit hole to go down.

For example, every card is associated with a star sign(s), numbers, and even medicinal plants.

A Tarot Astrology Connection? How Tarot & Astrology Relate

If you do get interested in researching this topic or topic related to tarot,

you might run into “rituals” or “spells” (I put them in quotes because they are referred to differently based on context, culture, religion, etc.).

Like tarot, the modern-day perceptions of these practices are very skewed and are probably not what you think.

But it is important to do your research before you try to replicate something you find online.

There are what are known as closed practices,

which means that the practice in question is significant to a specific culture,

and the people from that culture have asked others to stop appropriating it.

An example of this is burning White Sage, which is an Indigenous practice that mainstream pop culture picked up a few years ago.

And that’s all folks,

I hope you guys enjoyed my blog posts as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Happy reading!


RCL: Public Controversy

I had a few ideas come to mind when considering public controversies. A category could be government controversies. For example, immigration, civil rights, freedom of speech, and censorship. An overarching topic could be applications of Constitutional rights and the different philosophies of interpretation (strict or loose). This might be too broad of a controversy so it might be better to narrow things down to one amendment like freedom of speech, religion, etc. Immigration over the years would be interesting to do because immigrants are the backbone of this country, but our ideas of immigrants have changed. Like how in the 1920s, Irish immigrants were treated with disdain, while today it is immigrants from the Middle East and Mexico who are treated with hostility.

Another place to explore controversy is social controversies. These could include the evolution of AI or reparations. A particularly interesting debate would be between public and private schools and their funding. I feel like I can relate to this topic personally being from an area where the public school was underfunded, and the financial situation was exasperated by the nearby private school taking students and teachers. There are multiple levels to this topic that would be interesting to explore including government funding, money per kid, and schools funded by property tax.

The Major Arcana: The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, and the Devil

The Hanged Man is a powerful card even within the Major Arcana.

Featured Card of the Day – The Hanged Man – 78 Tarot Carnival ~ Cirque ...

When he appears it often means that there is a major decision that you are waiting to make.

Most likely there are outside factors that you are waiting on to make your decision, possibly making you indecisive.

The Hanged Man represents the period of suspended action that the querent is in before this decision.

Depending on the other cards in the spread, this could be a calm period, or one full of anxiety.

Look to the other cards to figure out what the best path is:

should the querent make a decision quickly, should they let things sort themselves out (this is true with the Tower), is there a situation they should really get out of before making a decision, etc.

Speaking of sticky situations, when reversed, the Hanged Man could indicate that you are at a standstill within a situation.

Almost like your aspirations are on the back burner.

But when he appears reversed it means that the period of standstill is coming to an end for better or worse.

Alright, now for a card with a potentially bad rep: Death.

The Death Linestrider Tarot Card Meanings | TarotXThe human relationship with death has become dread. 

Dread of the unknown, dread of the inevitable.

But this card is far from dreadful.

When the Death card appears, it is a good sign of change.

That through change, the querent will grow into a better version of themselves.

Kind of like the relationship death has with nature:

In the winter, everything dies, only to be reborn again in spring just different.

Death is the balance of nature and the world, trust that the change this card foretells will lead to a better spring.

When reversed, it represents a reluctance to change.

That you are resisting something that needs to happen, no matter how painful it might be.

It could also mean that there is a negative change being brought by outside forces.

Onto a more sobering card, Temperance.

Pin by Lilymnh on The Arcana | The arcana cards, The arcana tarot cards ...

Get it… sober and temperance? Okay, any who, Temperance.

Temperance represents balance, and the idea of moderation.

Patience is a virtue and Temperance is all about looking before jumping into extreme situations.

When reversed, Temperance indicates an imbalance or conflict.

Beware addiction when Temperance reversed appears with the Devil.

The Devil Tarot Card wallpaper by Gid5th - a4 - Free on ZEDGE™

Speaking of the Devil, lets dive into this controversial card.

It’s easy to just dismiss the Devil as the stereotypical implications the name usually carries.

But as everything in the Tarot, this card is more complex.

The Devil represents inner constraint.

That there is a bond keeping you from achieving true happiness, but that bond is ultimately held together by the querent themselves.

You might be under the illusion that there are outside forces messing everything up, but in reality, something that you are doing is causing self-torment.

This card urges you to assess the real reasons behind your issues:

is there an obsession holding you back, maybe an unhealthy relationship, or even addiction.

Take caution against things that could make your situation worse.

Overall, the Devil gives the same message reversed or upright,

but when reversed it could indicate that past addictions are affecting your path, especially if it appears in the past position.

Artifacts and Turning Points

I have decided to use the Lavender Scare (1950-1960s), the Stonewall Riots (1969), and gender laws being debated in today’s era (2020-present).

For the Lavender Scare, my artifacts will be Executive Order 10450, signed by President Eisenhower. It marked the beginning of the Lavender Scare by issuing an investigation into all federal employees on whether they posed a “security risk.”

Another artifact for this time period will be this newspaper clippings of propaganda against the gay community:

McCarthyism, the Lavender Scare, and the fight for full LGBT equality ...

For the final artifact of this time period, there is an interview with one of the victims of the time period and the effect the paranoia had on the community in general. It is by NPR: The Lavender Scare : Throughline : NPR

For the Stonewall Riots my first artifact will be the clothing laws that prohibited cross-dressing (requiring 3 articles of clothing that match your assigned sex in order to avoid arrest).

For my second artifact, the written account of the night from Martin Sherman’s “A Hot Night” or the newspaper READ The 1969 NY Daily News Piece on the Stonewall Riots – “Homo Nest Raided, Queen Bees Stinging Mad” (back2stonewall.com) from the time.


Stonewall riots, 45 anni dopo • Rivista Studio

My last artifact will be images from the riots themselves to show the violence shown towards the community.

How the Stonewall riots in 1969 New York inspired Australia's LGBTIQ+ ...

For present day I will be using the 19 states that have laws banning gender affirming care 19 states have laws restricting gender-affirming care, some with the possibility of a felony charge | CNN Politics.  The laws themselves will be my artifacts.

For my second artifact it will be an advertisement Is This The First ANTI-WOKE Advert? Watch Promo Wins Plaudits For Standing Up For Women’s Rights – YouTube. The official title is “Erase.”

And finally, a podcast by Candace Owens, specifically this one Is Homosexuality Ruining Western Civilization? – YouTube.

Overall, my turning points tie into LGBTQ+ with government and how that effects the public perceptions and opinions on the community.

The Major Arcana: Strength, The Hermit, Justice, and the Wheel of Fortune

The Strength Card in Tarot and How to Read It - Exemplore

The Strength card is one of the most graceful and beautiful cards in the deck in my opinion.

Strength represents the ability to overcome through calm patience, persistence, and confidence in oneself.

Look to your instincts and natural reactions to guide you through whatever lies ahead.

Strength represents a careful control over personal and environmental aspects.

This card is mostly positive but when reversed it could indicate self-doubt or an unhealthy reliance on external opinions.

Another possibility is that you have been listening to your instinctual reactions too much without any control/self-discipline.

Moving to the Hermit.

The Hermit- - Linestrider tarot | Linestrider tarot, Tarot decks, The ...

The Hermit card is what it sounds like: isolation.

The Hermit indicates that it is a time for introspection and self-care, which often means isolation.

The broad nature of this card particularly means that it is affected by others in the spread.

If the Five of Wands is in your spread with the Hermit, it could mean that you are isolating yourself by being overly confrontational.

Paired with the Lovers, look to spend alone time with your significant other.

When paired with the Star, you are on the right track and need to trust your path.

Can you find the balance between solitude and loneliness?

When reversed, the Hermit could be telling you that you really need to take time by yourself,

or that your time of solitude is over, and you need to move forward.

While the Hermit feels like a calm comfort, Justice is cold and to the point.

Tarot card “Justice”

This card acts quite literally Lady Justice.

When Justice appears in your readings, it means that there are decisions that need to be made.

This card urges you to look for truth and be a fair judge of a situation.

When thinking about this card as a the querent themselves or someone in the querent’s life,

this card represents a person who can see through any B.S. to true intentions.

Beware the brutal aspect of the truth.

When reversed, Justice indicates dishonesty or that things are not what they seem in your situation.

Is someone lying to you, or are you lying to yourself?

For a change of pace, next is the Wheel of Fortune.

X WHEEL OF FORTUNE in 2021 | Tarot cards art, Tarot art, Celestial art

There is a quote from a TV show that I used to watch that perfectly encompasses this card:

“Life can’t ever be all good or all bad. Eventually, things have to come back to the middle.

There’s a reason people say life is a rollercoaster, and this card tells you to just ride it.

Control what you can control, let go of what you can’t.

Which sometimes feels like a lot.

This card can speak to new beginnings or the cycles of life, but it also deals with luck.

When reversed, a possible interpretation is that your luck has run out, and things just aren’t going your way.

Maybe certain external forces are affecting your path.

This is certainly a card for externalities, but just remember,

everything passes, either enjoy it while it lasts or persevere until it gets better.

No one can resist time.

Nadia Lopez: “Why Open a School? To Close a Prison” TED Talk

This is a powerful TED Talk given by Nadia Lopez, a middle school principal who opened her own school in Brownsville, a community in Brooklyn.

At the beginning of her talk, she goes over the statistics of the neighborhood violence and then the statistics of the first kids a part of her school.

To emphasize the important information, she uses simple visuals that only have a couple main statistics in large font.

As she moves on in her talk to speak on her students’ success despite being an underserved community, the images shown are still simple but are powerful in the messages that she talks about.

Her delivery emphasizes important or striking points with a change in tone and volume.

The main difference between her TED Talk and a normal speech is the audience involvement in the speech. She often addresses the audience directly, either with a rhetorical question or as a way to make them think critically.

Her hand gestures and movements also differ from a regular speech with more range of motion.

The visuals are designed to be readable in a quick format. The speaker then adds to the images to give them direction.

This is done without notes, which is a big change from the regular speech we have studied or done before.

Lopez does an incredible job of placing her words deliberately without stuttering, and really knows her speech well enough to not create awkward pauses when trying to remember.

She varied her eye contact to around the room and made sure to turn to different sides of the audience.

Another aspect I really like about her talk was that she created a theme.

The colors of her school are purple and black to symbolize power in their culture and their abilities. The stats were all in purple and she even wore a black suit with a purple under shirt and eye shadow.

It connects the audience to the topic even more, and adds to how powerful and proud she is about her “scholars” as she calls her students.

The Major Arcana: The Hierophant, The Lovers, and The Chariot

Last week, we went over the High Priestess.

This week, it’s time to introduce you to the male counterpart of the High Priestess, the Hierophant.

The Heirophant Tarot Card Line Embroidered Waffle Weave - Etsy | The ...

Just like the High Priestess, the Hierophant deals with the intersection of the conscious and the unconscious worlds.

What makes the Hierophant different is that he represents institutions or the hierarchy and traditions that can accompany them.

Think of him as being focused on sharing knowledge with an institution.

For this reason, he is often associated with higher learning and leadership. I have also seen him show up with religions as well.

When he shows up in your reading, it often means that you should continue, or start to be a part of some type of structure or system such as school, church, community, or maybe fitness.

Be careful when he appears with the Hermit, your work in an organization might be too isolating.

His reversed indicates that there is a need to question those that are running the show, or to take another look at how you place in an organization.

Is it time to let an organization go, or should you be playing a deeper role within its hierarchy?

Look to the other cards in the spread to tell you how to interpret the card.

Next to the Lovers.

The Lovers | Tarocchi, Arte dell'illustrazione, Carte da gioco

In relationship readings, everyone loves the Lovers! But don’t get so caught up in the face value of the card that you lose its complexities.

This card represents attraction, connection, and yes, love.

But different types of love depending on the where the card is in the spread and what cards surround it.

They could represent the love of a parent, platonic love, or the influence of soulmates. Often this card indicates marriage, commitment, or fundamental friendships.

Another aspect of this card is that of decisions or change. Choosing the right path for yourself is emphasized by the Lovers.

In order to find the right path, look plainly at your true desires and embrace them.

Which leads to the Lovers reversed.

I once did a reading for a close friend who was in a funk and just not happy with how things were going.

When the Lovers reversed appeared, I was confused because he was not in a relationship and did not plan to be.

Turns out, he was struggling with his sexuality while living in a deeply religious household (the Hierophant was also in the reading).

The Lovers reversed indicates inner conflict or imbalance. A kind of guilt or disharmony with yourself. Just remember, it is human to love.

And loving yourself, easiest thing in the world, right?

In another reading, the Lovers reversed could also indicate a lack of mutual feelings, or people not being on the same page in a relationship.

Is there dishonesty or an interloper messing with your balance?

Now for the Chariot.

The Linestrider Tarot - The Charriot/El Carro Linestrider Tarot, Tarot ...

The Chariot is a card of ambition and self-discipline.

It speaks of struggles that are then overcome through work to achieve victory.

Whenever I look at this card, I picture classic Greek chariot racing in a large amphitheater. The Greek athletes worked through incredible feats of strength but enjoyed tremendous amounts of glory in their victory.

This card encourages passion and intellect to succeed in your trials and is most potent when in the future position.

When in the future position, the Chariot urges you to keep fighting in your struggles and your success will be guaranteed in the future.

That being said, when reversed the Chariot warns of being too focused.

Do you have tunnel vision, or are you sacrificing too much for a short-term victory?

Success might ask you to give up more than is healthy, really assess how far you are willing to go for your ambitions.

The Chariot and the Magician are a dangerous pair but are still full of a lot of potential.

You don’t necessarily have to quit your drive, but just be aware of the price that victory comes with.

LGBTQ+ in the Public Eye

Queer history is something very important to me because it is not talked about enough.

Public opinion of the LGBTQ+ has varied throughout history but there are some key points where queer folk were either strategically ignored, shown open aggression, or accepted.

Some examples of key turning points could be the Stonewall Riots of 1969 that would later evolve into the Pride parades that we know today.

Other interesting turning points are the Lavender Scare 1950-1973 where gay men particularly were seen as threats from communism,

or how the government let the AIDs epidemic devastate the queer population in the 1980s while society blamed AIDs wholly on the LGBTQ+.

There is also Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay man to run for office. It put the community in a very public eye. He was shot before the election.

A very interesting aspect of queer history that I only recently learned about was the first Institue for Sexual Research in 1930, committed to providing gender affirming care, and other gender studies. Known as a safe place, it was some of the first scientific studies on what it means to be homosexual and transgender. It was burned in one of the first book burnings by the Nazis, completely erasing its existence to society until recent.

There are plenty of artifacts on the Stonewall Riots including images, articles, and a few videos of Marsha P. Johnson: a key figure in the riots. There was even a movie made about her in 2017. This is the same for Pride. There are multiple videos, interviews, ads, clothing brands using the rainbow symbol, etc.

For the Lavender Scare, there are very compelling, very recent, interviews of men who went through it. It is extra shocking because of how young they still are which really highlights how recent this persecution was.

For the AIDs epidemic, there was a recent documentary on the tribute concert to Freddie Mercury where artists of the time who knew him used the opportunity to spread awareness for the epidemic. The music itself could be considered an artifact.

Similar to Marsha P. Johnson, Harvey Milk also has a movie titled “Milk” as well as images from his campaign.

The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft has recent articles and images of some of the first documented trans and nonbinary folk.

Then, of course, there is also when gay marriage was legalized in the United States in 2015. This is the most visible and accepted that LGBTQ+ people have been in history.


The Major Arcana: The High Priestess, The Empress, and The Emperor

Alright, we are starting back up with The High Priestess.

The High Priestess speaks to the unconscious.

She is the guardian to the realm of dreams, intuition, and the more mystical aspects of the spirit.

Basically, trust your gut but more elegant.

She is also a strong symbol of the feminine energy.

When she appears in a reading, your feminine side holds the answers to success.

When paired with cup cards, it is especially true that you need to focus on the emotions and connections around you, rather than the intellectual components.

There is also an element of change within this card.

Allow her guidance to increase your intuition and creative powers.

When reversed, The High Priestess warns of disconnect between you and your inner voice.

Be careful of relying too much on external feedback.

When paired with The Hermit, or another isolation card, take some me time to really reassess your issues by yourself.

Similar to The High Priestess, The Empress is also a very feminine card.

Her femininity is more maternal than the priestess, often spoken as “the fertility of the mind and body.”

When she appears, this is a time for new ideas, and that people will be attracted to you (not necessarily sexually/romantically, but just generally).

Speaking of fertility, she has a very homely, maternal, comforting aspect to her.

With cup cards especially, she speaks of settling down in relationships.



All in her wheelhouse.

She encourages connection but be careful of her power in you.

Her reversed aspect cautions against giving too much of yourself away.

Are you the therapist friend?

Are you using your feminine energy to care for others, when you yourself need to care for your feminine energy?

Her reversed could also indicate an imbalance.

That you or someone you know is acting with too much masculine energy and the feminine is being suppressed.

This card has also been known to appear reversed when someone is having fertility issues or has a strained relationship with children.

The Emperor is the other half of the coin to The Empress.

He represents masculinity and the power of the mind over feelings.

He represents someone strong in authority, life experiences, and knowledge.

The classic patriarchal picture of the protector and the provider.

Think of him as an older sibling, father, or brother.

When he appears, trust the facts and the data in front of you.

Whenever I do a reading for myself, he often appears as someone else in my life.

I know to follow the person who has more experience and try to contribute my own experience to the situation.

When reversed, beware of a domineering personality.

Is someone abusing their power? Or acting like a tyrant?

Now don’t necessarily throw all logic and authority to the wind but look for more balance.

Look for structure calmly to try and flip this card back to the positive.