RCL: Slides Post

Shifts in the Perception of Feminine Figure

Slides listed below…

Slides of Feminist Shift.pptx

When I was developing these slides, I was definitely highlighting the idea of simplicity. I chose all white slide and put the paintings on it with the purpose to explain the development of femininity from the muse to the painter, explaining how women became more vocal about representing what womanhood meant to them over time. After seeing the TED talks in class, I’ve decided that I should add more elements to them to engage the audience more.

3 thoughts on “RCL: Slides Post”

  1. These are really cool slides, Effie! I know next to nothing about art and am not one for interpretation, so I’m genuinely curious how some of these relate to the feminine form. As such, I really have no idea whether or not the paintings on your slides clearly represent your shift, but overall I think they look neat and organized.

  2. Hi Effie,
    i think your topic is a very interesting topic that many people don’t do. I love how yours is unique and important to our society today! I think the all white backgrounds provide a sense of importance and with the paintings added it shows what the slides are really all about. I can’t wait to see how they turn out!

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