We have all heard about the shooting that happened, and on going turmoil in Ferguson, Missouri. If you haven’t- then you need to come out from under that rock where you’ve been living. For more articles and reports to catch yourself up on the story, visit this CBSNews link.
About a month ago a white police officer shot and killed unarmed 18 year old black man, Michael Brown. Ever since then angry protests have filled the streets of Ferguson. The police response has since, been criticized by almost every news station, newspaper, and on every social media network. This case is stirring up racist conflicts and injustices in practically every direction. Each attempt of the police to control the protests have failed, making the relationship between officers and the community appear irreconcilable.
On Saturday, September 27, 2014, while two Michael Brown protests were occurring there was a white police officer shot (injured in the arm). As if tensions aren’t tight enough, this only sparked more questions and stress for the county police department.
63% of Ferguson’s residents are black, and only 3/53 of it’s officers are black. Clearly there is a gap in the police demographic reflecting that of the community. This leads many to suspect racial injustices are at fault. Officer Darren Wilson has yet to be taken into custody, causing disbelief, stress, and unresolved feelings for ,Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr., (parents of the victim), who just want to see justice.
The case and the indictment of Officer Wilson is still being questioned by the county grand jury, as well as the rest of the nation. As for the residents of Ferguson, they clearly have their minds made up.