



Tweets were streaming in from professional news anchors and trusted news stations (BBC) throughout Scotland and the United Kingdom as votes were counted on September 19 for the Scottish Independence Referendum.

Breaking news of the result and reactions were first told via social media.  Here, BBC Scotland tweets the monarchs response to the no vote.  Mutual respect would be crucial in the aftermath, as tensions were high, and some of those who voted ‘yes’ were becoming wildly upset.

…Hey! At least you got a vote.

There are those who scream and shout about the outcome, but there is no denying the obvious overwhelming no to yes vote ratio.  Clearly portrayed later, in a result map by BBC News.

Check out my previous RCL Blog for more outlook on the Scottish Independence vote. Click here to read the original article.


One thought on “#IndyRef

  1. I was surprised when I heard the verdict–it seemed to me that the Yes camp had so much more support, but looking back I think they just had a stronger media presence (I think due to the younger demographic being more swayed to the yes side). I saw a ton of trending hashtags and media campaigns in support, but I guess it didn’t help as much as they wanted!

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