Chimanda Ngozi Adiche

untitled (12)On Monday, October 13, 2014 at 7:30pm in the Schwab Auditorium me along with most of my English 15S 008 class attended a lecture lead by the author of best selling Americanah, Chimanda Ngozi Adiche.  This was one of he best book lectures by an author that I have ever attended- then again it was my first.  She was humorous, relatable, honest, and reliable.  I felt as if she didn’t sugar coat anything she was speaking to us about.

She discussed her home in Nigeria, what her life was like-is like, and what her family is like.  We got more insight into the author’s personal life, as she described to us her writing method, and told us stories of her child hood.  In a way, it was as if she established herself as a ‘real’ person, just like her audience.  She even described to us her experience as a foreigner in a new place; similar to freshmen in a new place, a new environment, new friends, and no parents.  Clearly, Adiche wasn’t ignorant to who the majority of her audience was.

Plus I loved learning her opinion about racism in the world, and how she thinks it just a concept of man.  After all we are all the same, we just have different skin pigmentations., as well as her perception of women in society.

This was definitely a lecture well worth it! If you missed it…regret it!

Here’s an article about the event from Onward State!

3 thoughts on “Chimanda Ngozi Adiche

  1. I loved her honesty as well–she didn’t give us a cookie cutter lecture with cliche messages, she just honestly gave her opinions and advice. She seemed so nice as well–I wish I could’ve met her personally!

  2. This was also my first author lecture and I found it enjoyable. She understood her audience was mostly college freshman. She was very well spoken and I liked how she had a sense of humor. I’m glad I had the chance to go and hear her talk.

  3. I appreciate the fact that you got a picture of Chimanda Adiche. I know how crappy iPhone cameras are. Anyways, I completely agree with you that this was a lecture well worth it and I wish I had the privilege of knowing someone like Ms. Adiche.

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