DUS MinorQuest


This week I spent as much time as I could on the Division of Undergraduate Studies, MinorQuest website.  It has certainly proven itself, as extraordinarily helpful, informational, and simple when it came to narrowing down all my interests and possible minor options. I literally went through and clicked on each of my interests separately, and then read all of the minor descriptions for the minors that popped out at me.  I was nearing the last of my interest categories, when five possible minor descriptions got me thinking: Global Studies, International Studies, Medieval Studies, Transnational Perspectives, and World Literature.  All have very similar descriptions and similar lists of courses revolving around my curiosity in International Relations and Global Studies.

First I eliminated Global Studies just cause, and then Medieval Studies since I am debating on that one as a major.  In the end I was torn between Transnational Perspectives, as I think I would enjoy learning about the issues across different cultures and how they are molding nations; International Relations because I have begun some of the requirements for it, and already plan on continuing my foreign language education further, as well as  study abroad; and finally World Literature because I enjoy reading, analyzing stories, and comparing literature and its development across cultures and centuries.  I have taken a Comparative Literature class in high school, and LOVED it!  But I am entirely unsure if I will love it just as much now in college.  (I have also been internally arguing with myself about possibly Comparative Literature as a major)

In the end though, I guess it will have to take some time and experimenting with new classes to find what I truly want to major and minor in.  As well as many more discussions and meetings with my lovely advisor. 🙂

Click the link, to bring you to the DUS MinorQuest website so you can do your own exploring!

DUS Advising offices are located in the Grange building, depicted below.


One thought on “DUS MinorQuest

  1. I thought it was so cool that they offered a medieval studies minor! I had no idea that it was even an option to major in. What types of jobs can you have with a medial studies degree?

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