= Disappointment
Last Friday, October 31, 2014, I along with a handful of other Discover House members braved the cold and went to check out the Halloween Lantern Tour at Old Main being advertised around campus. Although it was not John and Cami’s fault for scheduling such a what would become, awful time to walk over, they did not plan for the forty-five minute line we had to wait in-just to get our hands stamped. It was freezing! Originally we had planned to walk over and go on the tour right away, with a maybe ten to fifteen minute wait. But that wasn’t the case.
Once we finally got all of our hands stamped, we were directed to wait on the steps/porch of Old Main. From there, the Lion Ambassadors scheduled various groups to entertain those waiting for the tour. There were dance groups, singers, and even some members of the Blue Band stopped by. Plus there were free refreshments and warm drinks being offered to all of us who were patiently waiting. However after waiting in line for forty-five minutes, then watching three performances and eating light snacks while we waited for our group to be called, it all took about another hour. At this point, we were all questioning whether or not the tour was worth it. It was unanimously agreed that we all just wanted to see the bell tower! After all that’s the most exciting part, isn’t it?
After waiting for forever in the freezing air, and with successfully numbed hands, our group was finally called! We walked through the doors of Old Main, and BAM! We were actually inside of the infamous building. The decorations were appropriately cool, and basically perfect for the scene they were setting; not to outrageous but not pathetic either. A screen and short clip were displayed in front of us which we eagerly watched, anticipating the tour that would come next. But to our surprise… just as soon as we had walked in, we walked back out again. Apparently the “tour” was not of Old Main. It was around Old Main. And that was some serious false advertising on the Lion Ambassador’s fault. Perhaps locals and upperclassmen knew what the Halloween tour entailed, but underclassmen did not. It was a real disappointment.
Part way through the tour about three quarters of our group had wandered back to the dorms to get their Halloween costumes on, and get ready to go out later that night. The tour was like a flash back of the history of Penn State. Before I bailed at fraternities and sororities, I met Mr. and Mrs. Atherton, Old Coaly, Mr. Carnegie, Mr. Shields, and several other characters. It was extremely corny and not really entertaining at all. Even though I waited all that time, neither I or most of our group stuck around for the end.
I heard that those who did, got to go in the bell tower at the end of tour. If only it was at the beginning! Either way, I still do not regret my decision to head back early. Overall it was a disappointing experience and did not meet up to the expectations I had for the tour. But I guess Lion Ambassadors were doing the best that they could, and being as resourceful and creative as they could.
It was more of a tour for older alumni, locals, and younger children. Especially with many of the jokes, that our group just flat out did not get. It would have been more appealing if it was a lantern tour throughout the building, with spooks and characters along the way, as we learned more about the building’s history.
I’m sorry it was so disappointing. But I am looking forward to eventually going on an actual tour of Old Main, itself!
I am sorry to hear that the tour did not meet your expectations. I was out that night and knew it was extremely cold. I hope that your actual tour of Old Main is much better!
I can’t agree more with your reasoning. I had all this hype going into the tour. I mean how could they mess up a lantern lit tour of Old Main? Well, needless to say I came out of the building very disappointed with the two minutes we spent inside. I think they need to rethink their tours in the future.
I was very disappointed that I was not able to make it to the lantern tour at first but now after reading your blog I’m glad I didn’t stick around for it. I have heard many bad reviews saying that it was dumb or that it sucked but I didn’t know why. The posters were very deceiving in the fact that it said Old Main Lantern Tour. I also thought that it would have been a haunted tour of the Old Main building. Too bad you waited all that time just to be disappointed 🙁