Simmering Down


Earlier in the semester I blogged about the very heated European conflict between London and Scotland over their independence and separation from the United Kingdom.  Spit, sweat, and tweets were all fired from both sides when the final Scottish vote determined that Scotland would remain under the rule of the monarchy and apart of the United Kingdom.  Since September, such controversy has almost diminished.  It has completely diminished from the sites of social media, at least.  The Scottish are moving past the disappointment and are on the verge of satisfaction as London officials are in the process of complying with promises they made to Scotland after the vote.  In the end Scotland will be happily contempt with a few wishes granted, and London officials will be pleased to still have their support.  These two countries may appear in media when the proposals are made official, but for now #Indyref is no longer trending.

Read more about the Proposals by clicking the link.



On This Day

On this day in history, December 2, 1823,   The Monroe Doctrine was declared and “forbade European interference in the American hemisphere but also asserted U.S. neutrality in regard to future European conflicts”.  However also on this right this instant while you are currently reading these sentences…I wrote my- this, last passion blog about days in history past that we may have forgotten about or never known about.  It’s been a knowledgeable and broadening semester blogging about past events.  I’ve found it extremely interesting, and amusing as I got to blog about what I like to learn about and also what I find enjoyable.  It has allowed me to discover who else shares similar interests, likes, and dislikes as me, as well as who shares similar opinions, and has sparked numerous conversations.

Thank you to anyone and everyone who has loyally or sparingly been following my blogs posts, and getting as much enjoyment out of them as I have.  I’ve appreciated each and every comment and encourage you to continue doing so.  Perhaps one day I will blog again, and you will come across it…

Until then I bid you adieu.

Since I probably won’t get the opportunity to wish you so later in the month…Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Monroe Doctrine

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The End of A First

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So my…OUR first semester at Penn State University, University Park is coming to a rushing halt.  Classes end on Dec 8, finals are the following week, and then we head home for about a month before we take on our second semester.

Let’s face it…those four and half months went by way faster than we thought they would. (Almost faster than our four years of high school!) The reality is that we are actually growing up, with our future and adult lives looming around the corner.  Slowly (maybe) but surely we will get there.  Graduation day will come, and then what?  What will become of us?

That I do not know.  And I am getting way ahead of myself there.  But I do know that my first college semester at Penn State was one I wouldn’t have changed any other way.  I’ve explored a lot, but hardly everything (I have three more years for that).  I have been to almost if not every fair there was for incoming undergraduates, explored endless amounts of clubs and orgs, participated in several volunteering activities as well as seasonal ones around campus.  One of my favorites was the Pumpkin Festival at the Arboretum!  I have gone to the football games, and can’t wait until next fall to continue rooting for the Nittany Lions!  I’ve even attempted to donate blood for the competition against Michigan State University, but perhaps I will try that again next year.

I certainly haven’t experienced everything that this University has to offer, and I cannot wait to continue exploring.  For instance THON is one event I CANNOT WAIT to experience.  I just hope I get to continue this journey as well as exploring with the friends and relationships I’ve created this semester being apart of Discover House.  I hope you too have enjoyed your first semester here at Penn State, and I wish you luck throughout your upcoming ones!