Advocating for body positivity among current and future generations of young women, I hope to partner with The Body Positive to encourage young women, especially those on social media, to embrace their personal, unique features, while encouraging them to limit the comparisons they formulate between themselves and seemingly “perfect” social media influencers and celebrities. Although my advocacy piece dominantly gears towards young women, bound to their insecurities due to social media, The Body Positive targets a larger audience, welcoming anyone seeking resources and programs to heighten their self-confidence and realize their self-worth.
Not only does The Body Positive aim to enrich one’s individuality and promote sufficient self-care, but in doing so, they also hope that their personal development will allow them to be more generous to the world as a result. Promoting these essential values, their detailed, online resources allows individuals to participate in numerous programs, explore different opportunities, and acquire additional information, including professional trainings, online courses, volunteer opportunities, internships, and books. Although their organization fails to mirror hotline services for struggling individuals and there aren’t as many in person programs, their strong online presence allows them to obtain the materials they need to improve their well-being without the stress of exploiting their insecurities to the world.
One prominent advocacy example that The Body Positive created is their “This is Beauty” campaign that publishes videos, photographs, poems, and stories within a gallery to showcase individuals’ personal stories that demonstrates their diverse definitions of beauty. In pursuing this project, they hope that others viewing it will ask themselves, “what is my own beauty?” and realize that everyone has their own varied perceptions of beauty and that the definition is infinite.