Mystic and Rock Icon ~ Stevie Nicks

Without further ado, I would love to introduce a woman who needs no introduction…Stevie Nicks. I’m so excited to share with you the unique and thrilling mystical career of Miss Stevie. Before I get too ahead of myself, I must supply some key background history surrounding her infamous rise to fame. Born in Phoenix, Arizona on May 26, 1948, Stevie was raised with a strong appreciation for the prominence of music. When she was only four years old, she began to show love and intense passion for music, singing country and western duets with her grandfather. Her father, due to his ever-changing work schedule as a corporate executive, resulted in frequent moving for Stevie and her family. With a new job opportunity available, her family made the move to San Francisco, where she began songwriting and performing at Menlo-Atherton High School.

It would be at Menlo-Atherton that she would ultimately meet her future band member and lover, Lindsey Buckingham. With Buckingham by her side, she joined the local band, Fritz, which collected a small following. Stevie and Lindsey signed with Polydor Records, and produced their first collaboration, “Buckingham-Nicks“. In time, the two were dropped from the label but managed to successfully gain the attention of Mick Fleetwood. Mick invited them to join Fleetwood Mack and the rest is history. In 1975, the self-titled album “Fleetwood Mac” topped the charts, headlined by Stevie’s “Rhiannon“. Stevie became an overnight sensation almost immediately, changing the world of rock forever.

Now, for the fun stuff. To quote the legend herself, “A long, long time ago I decided I was going to have a kind of mystical presence, so I made my clothes, my boots, my hair, and my whole being go with that. But it wasn’t something I just made up at that point. It’s the way I’ve always been. I’ve always believed in good witches-not bad witches-and fairies and angels” (Nicks, Interview Magazine, July 1998). Nicks has always been a captivating and remarkably talented figure, and she credits this ability to her powerful spirituality. By solely observing her unique discography, it is undeniable that one would experience an otherwordly musical experience. Nicks has been able to transcend the world of Rock N’ Roll by expressing her music in a way that was never seen previously. On her connection with mysticism, she has stated, “There is always magic to be summoned at any point. I love to live in a world of magic, but not a fake world of magic. We all really basically have a lot of magic….it’s only those of us that choose to accept it, that really understand it. It’s there for everyone” (Nicks, Jim Ladd Innerview, 1979). 

In reference to the infamous song “Rhiannon“, Nicks had been inspired to write about a woman Rhiannon from a book called Triad by Mary Leader. In Welsh mythology, Rhiannon, whose name means White Witch, is a horse goddess depicted in the Mabinogion. She bears deep magic and can manifest her dreams and desires for the virtue of all. She is a mystical healer who spends her days traveling on a powerful white horse with her peculiar birds. These birds are magical and possess great healing powers, for they are the birds of Sweetest Song and she is their divine mistress. As you can see, Nicks is very much in touch with her spirituality, and it is reflected dearly in her art. I am so grateful to be in a generation that can witness and appreciate such a unique and empowering artist. Stevie Nicks has truly shaped the musical world in ways that are actively bringing people together today.


5 thoughts on “Mystic and Rock Icon ~ Stevie Nicks

  1. Just wondering, what sort of tones ar characteristic of Stevie’s music? I haven’t heard of her music before oops… but yeah is there a certain something about her music that makes it unique from others such as the choice on instruments, inspirations, etc.

  2. She’s so iconic. Goddess AND witch. I love this blog idea and your entries are well-written. I like the selection of information you offer the reader.

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