
Quick History of the Emerald

Emerald is foremost a green gemstone as well as a kind of Beryllium (silvery-white metal).  Emerald is a valuable stone that gets its green hue from traces of chromium and vanadium.

For almost 6,000 years, the world has been enamored with the sparkling emerald splendor of the Emerald stone. Emerald was thought to have enchanted Aristotle, who said that it should be placed around the neck to prevent falling sickness.

The Emerald contains a wealth of mythology and lore, ranging from Cleopatra to Aristotle and Alexander the Great. The Ancient Egyptians thought it was an amulet of rebirth and fertility, while the Incas thought it was a stone that guaranteed eternal life.

There are a thousand and one stories that shine out of the Emerald, one of which is embedded in Russia’s royal jewels. It is even thought to be the material used to create the Holy Grail.

The promise of eternity and love is one enduring theme that exudes from its enchanting spring colors. Emerald, like all green gems and crystals, is associated with the heart chakra, and the hue green is thought to be the most soothing tint our bodies and brains want. Emerald has extremely powerful healing qualities. It is both exhilarating and comforting, and it is a symbol of romance and rebirth.

Healing Properties

Simply holding the Emerald stone, which is vibrant and glittering with pure unconditional love and health, can fill you to the brim with a bounty of delight. This stone was recognized for its healing properties even in ancient times, and it was worn by children of aristocratic family to keep them flushed in bodily and mental finery.

It is a stone of regeneration, rejuvenation, and recovery, but it also contains the most potent themes of harmony, compassion, love, and illumination. It has Mercury as its ruling planet, the planet of insight and wisdom. Emerald is here to brighten your energies if you’re looking for a stone that lifts and nourishes you in a variety of ways.

Although we may think of Emerald as a heavy, costly wonder, its dazzling characteristics and relaxing green tints offer it a lightness that may be transferred to your own body and mind. With that sense of lightness comes the force of play, the birth of something new in the spring, and an authentic connection with a desire to let those you care about in. Emerald is a terrific gem for individuals who desire to improve their relationships and overcome their fear of commitment concerns.

The soothing colors of green evoke the profound wave of relief that comes with spring after a long, bitter winter. This is also how Emerald may make you feel in your soul. Emerald is a heart chakra stone, which means it is always present to assist cleanse the tightly wrapped space around your heart and to ensure that you aren’t impeding love and self-care in your own manner.

When our heart chakra is closed or out of balance, we may be hesitant to approach others. We may struggle with empathy or compassion, and we may be excessively harsh on ourselves and others. We may also struggle with forgiveness and trust, which might keep us alone.

When our heart chakra is open, we can believe in our own choices, love deeply and widely, and practice good self-care and compassion, cutting out the inner editor and being kind and compassionate to others and to ourselves. With this practice comes the opportunity to dive deeper into divine love and say yes to cosmic gifts. The Emerald stone also contains concepts of eternity, which relate to our feeling of spiritual tranquility and letting go of mundane fears.

Amethyst <3

Fairy Dust Intoxication

What is Amethyst?

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety. It has a vitreous or glassy luster and is a semiprecious stone. It is frequently found in violet and purple hues. Amethyst’s meaning is spiritual healing, calmness, and wisdom; it has long been associated with spirituality and is well-known for its close relationship with both the third eye and the crown chakra. The amethyst crystal has been celebrated by ancient civilizations since 25,000 BC, according to the lineage of this luminous stone. Everyone was drawn to the deep healing powers of the amethyst stone, from the Greeks to the Romans and even the Egyptians. Recognizing the stone’s grounding poignancy, the Greeks believed they could use it to protect themselves from intoxication.

Physical Healing Properties

Amethyst is also associated with healthy cell regeneration, promoting soothing sleep and rest, and promoting hormonal balance on a physical level. Amethyst can also help clear the clouds from those who suffer from a foggy head or migraines.

Similarly, Amethyst encourages the wearer to maintain a sober mind for those who are struggling to reduce their drinking. It’s a stone that serves as a reminder that clear thinking and a level head are required for making good decisions in life, and that muddying the mind can make it difficult to see the path that makes the most sense.

Emotional Healing Properties

Amethyst is well-known for bringing a sense of calm and clarity to our chaotic world. Those who keep Amethyst close to them will find that it comforts, grounds, and soothes them in a truly uplifting way. Because Amethyst centers the emotions, it can be a wonderful aid in recovery for those experiencing the overwhelming emotions associated with grief, loss, and all shades of sadness. It’s a great stone for reminding people not to be afraid of the unknown because of its divine spirituality.
Death can be viewed as a transition, a change, and a leap to a higher realm, and while there is grief in saying goodbye to someone loved, there is also life to be celebrated and memories to be cherished.

Amethyst reminds us that there is also balance in spirituality – it isn’t just about ignoring the negative and believing that spiritual awakening only leads to positive thinking, but also about recognizing the darkness and honoring it without holding it forever in the heart.

It also works well for those who are prone to rage, as it effectively dissipates the buildup of rage and replaces it with a halo of serenity that can be difficult to cut through. Amethyst can also help to bring the wearer back down to a calm and collected state of mind if they tend to get a little hot-headed in arguments. It’s an excellent stone for assisting with family and relationship dynamics because it promotes a calm demeanor.

The third eye chakra is well-known for being one of the most potent intuitive tools in the arsenal. Everyone possesses the gift of intuition; it is only a matter of how they use it. As Amethyst awakens the third eye, it allows the sixth sense to blossom into being. According to eastern philosophy, the third eye is the spiritual center of a person’s existence. It’s also in charge of how people perceive reality and how open they are to opening the door and entering spiritual enlightenment. Indigo is the color associated with the third eye chakra, which is also the color of Amethyst. One can awaken intuition, let their inner wisdom flow, and invite the sparkle back into their imagination by awakening the third eye.