❃ Blue Obsidian ❃

What exactly is Blue Obsidian?

Some Brief History:

Blue obsidian is a silica-rich volcanic rock with a glass-like appearance. Because natural Blue Obsidian is scarce, many stones on the market are man-made. It is generated when lava cools quickly when the environment is low in water and high in silica. It has a similar chemical composition to Rhyolite. The meaning of blue obsidian is communication and foundation.

Blue Obsidian is a beautiful blue stone that is formed by the burning raw energy of the world’s volcanoes. Cooling lava produces blue obsidian as a byproduct. This blue variant of natural volcanic glass is extremely unusual since it requires trapped gas bubbles to be present during cooling as well.


Healing Properties

Blue Obsidian has a distinct energy that exudes cool-headed clarity, a sense of tranquility, and the radiance of grounded and brave communication. We like it because it’s a “look before you leap” stone. The softly shimmering blue tones convey purifying energy, and its glassy countenance represents those who may need to dig deep inside to understand the realities that lie beyond the surface. It urges you to empower yourself by untangling the tangles of doubt and learning to embrace your true self.

One of Blue Obsidian’s key characteristics is its ability to aid in communication abilities. It inspires you to never be afraid of speaking your truth and expressing who you are. As the modern world can often make us feel trapped in impostor syndrome or as if we don’t have a voice, this unique and precious diamond contains a highly valuable healing aspect. Blue Obsidian not only improves our vocal flow and gives us the confidence to speak, but it also encourages us to focus on our grounding.

When we are grounded, we can look at a situation critically rather than being swept up in the emotions. Blue Obsidian brings harmony, faith in one’s own self, and helps us to find our true purpose here on this planet.


Metaphysical Properties

Blue Obsidian acts on the root chakra as well as the throat chakra, assisting you to ground yourself and speak your truth. Both are necessary tools for living a fuller and better life. Without a clear root chakra, we may struggle to feel safe and solid in this world, which may have a knock-on effect when it comes to speaking up, feeling heard, and having faith in our own voice.

Another vital energy point for emerging in our own power is the throat chakra. We may struggle to get our needs addressed if we swallow our voice, and we may lose our sense of strength and authenticity if we do so. Because it is how we communicate with those around us, an open throat chakra means we are better suited to connect with people on a deeper level. Blue Obsidian can take us beyond these chakras and into psychic development. We go one step closer to telepathy and perhaps astral travel when we cultivate the idea of communication and connection.



Some Fun Zodiac Facts!!!

Everyone can benefit from having this vivid blue stone close to them. When combined with those born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, Blue Obsidian performs brilliantly. Pisces are prone to pessimistic thinking and becoming trapped in their own heads.

Blue Obsidian can assist to counteract this. This stone absorbs pessimism and guides Pisces to go deep within, find their own feeling of calm and healing, and understand that every life lesson has something to teach them.



■□ Onyx ■□






What exactly is Onyx?

Onyx is a chalcedony gemstone. In its most common form, it is a parallel banded silicate mineral that is black with white banding. Onyx can also be green, pink, brown, red, and green, and even clear with white banding. It is primarily composed of calcite and has a waxy sheen. Onyx symbolizes protection and riches.

Onyx is a stone of decisiveness and strength, offering shades of protection against negative energy, sharpening the senses, and encouraging a resolute attitude to a life filled with joy and wealth. The therapeutic properties of this calm and confident stone can be explored in ways that can clear the way for the future and balance polarities.

A Brief History

Because of the shape and bright white of the bands that show within the gem, this healthy, lush-looking gem gets its name from the Greek word for claw or finger. Cupid, according to legend, used his renowned arrow to slash the fingernails of his mother, the goddess Venus. These eternal fingernails fell from Mount Olympus and into the Indus River, where they transformed into Onyx.

In fact, goddesses and queens adored this dark and dreamy stone, and Cleopatra was said to keep it close because of its powerful protective qualities. When it comes to Onyx, there is so much more to it than meets the eye. Yes, this stone is protective, but it also serves us in other ways. It, like other black and gorgeous stones, can absorb bad energy and assist us in following our own good counsel. Onyx was also seen to be a powerful guardian by the Chinese, making this banded gem a favorite in Feng Shui practice. In ancient Indian legends, it was also the stone that would protect from evil and disharmony, assisting in the maintenance of stability and balance, particularly within the boundaries of relationships.

Healing Properties

Black Onyx is a master of good fortune and is frequently used as an amulet against negative energy. When it comes to emotional healing, Black Onyx provides the same grounding strength and energy that it does for your physical body. Getting rooted is one of the most effective ways to boost your self-esteem and develop the art of self-control. Black Onyx is here to comfort those who are prone to outbursts of rage, who feel the rise and fall of fury viscerally, and who frequently find themselves a jangly anxious mess. This stone binds flitting souls who would profit much from keeping one foot on the ground. Onyx assists you in mastering your sense of self so that you can make good decisions and stand firm in your authenticity.

It can be especially beneficial for individuals going through grief processes since it can help you mourn, grieve, accept, and release without losing yourself in the process.

Root Chakra

Black Onyx is a root chakra stone because it delivers all that wonderful grounding energy to keep you grounded to the earth beneath your feet. The root chakra is one of the most essential chakras because it allows excess energy to leave the body. If the base chakra is not cleansed, the entire chakra system can get out of balance. Black Onyx can also assist you in remaining protected during head chakra opening and any psychic activity or previous life exploration that may leave you open and potentially vulnerable.