❃ Blue Obsidian ❃

What exactly is Blue Obsidian?

Some Brief History:

Blue obsidian is a silica-rich volcanic rock with a glass-like appearance. Because natural Blue Obsidian is scarce, many stones on the market are man-made. It is generated when lava cools quickly when the environment is low in water and high in silica. It has a similar chemical composition to Rhyolite. The meaning of blue obsidian is communication and foundation.

Blue Obsidian is a beautiful blue stone that is formed by the burning raw energy of the world’s volcanoes. Cooling lava produces blue obsidian as a byproduct. This blue variant of natural volcanic glass is extremely unusual since it requires trapped gas bubbles to be present during cooling as well.


Healing Properties

Blue Obsidian has a distinct energy that exudes cool-headed clarity, a sense of tranquility, and the radiance of grounded and brave communication. We like it because it’s a “look before you leap” stone. The softly shimmering blue tones convey purifying energy, and its glassy countenance represents those who may need to dig deep inside to understand the realities that lie beyond the surface. It urges you to empower yourself by untangling the tangles of doubt and learning to embrace your true self.

One of Blue Obsidian’s key characteristics is its ability to aid in communication abilities. It inspires you to never be afraid of speaking your truth and expressing who you are. As the modern world can often make us feel trapped in impostor syndrome or as if we don’t have a voice, this unique and precious diamond contains a highly valuable healing aspect. Blue Obsidian not only improves our vocal flow and gives us the confidence to speak, but it also encourages us to focus on our grounding.

When we are grounded, we can look at a situation critically rather than being swept up in the emotions. Blue Obsidian brings harmony, faith in one’s own self, and helps us to find our true purpose here on this planet.


Metaphysical Properties

Blue Obsidian acts on the root chakra as well as the throat chakra, assisting you to ground yourself and speak your truth. Both are necessary tools for living a fuller and better life. Without a clear root chakra, we may struggle to feel safe and solid in this world, which may have a knock-on effect when it comes to speaking up, feeling heard, and having faith in our own voice.

Another vital energy point for emerging in our own power is the throat chakra. We may struggle to get our needs addressed if we swallow our voice, and we may lose our sense of strength and authenticity if we do so. Because it is how we communicate with those around us, an open throat chakra means we are better suited to connect with people on a deeper level. Blue Obsidian can take us beyond these chakras and into psychic development. We go one step closer to telepathy and perhaps astral travel when we cultivate the idea of communication and connection.



Some Fun Zodiac Facts!!!

Everyone can benefit from having this vivid blue stone close to them. When combined with those born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, Blue Obsidian performs brilliantly. Pisces are prone to pessimistic thinking and becoming trapped in their own heads.

Blue Obsidian can assist to counteract this. This stone absorbs pessimism and guides Pisces to go deep within, find their own feeling of calm and healing, and understand that every life lesson has something to teach them.



■□ Onyx ■□






What exactly is Onyx?

Onyx is a chalcedony gemstone. In its most common form, it is a parallel banded silicate mineral that is black with white banding. Onyx can also be green, pink, brown, red, and green, and even clear with white banding. It is primarily composed of calcite and has a waxy sheen. Onyx symbolizes protection and riches.

Onyx is a stone of decisiveness and strength, offering shades of protection against negative energy, sharpening the senses, and encouraging a resolute attitude to a life filled with joy and wealth. The therapeutic properties of this calm and confident stone can be explored in ways that can clear the way for the future and balance polarities.

A Brief History

Because of the shape and bright white of the bands that show within the gem, this healthy, lush-looking gem gets its name from the Greek word for claw or finger. Cupid, according to legend, used his renowned arrow to slash the fingernails of his mother, the goddess Venus. These eternal fingernails fell from Mount Olympus and into the Indus River, where they transformed into Onyx.

In fact, goddesses and queens adored this dark and dreamy stone, and Cleopatra was said to keep it close because of its powerful protective qualities. When it comes to Onyx, there is so much more to it than meets the eye. Yes, this stone is protective, but it also serves us in other ways. It, like other black and gorgeous stones, can absorb bad energy and assist us in following our own good counsel. Onyx was also seen to be a powerful guardian by the Chinese, making this banded gem a favorite in Feng Shui practice. In ancient Indian legends, it was also the stone that would protect from evil and disharmony, assisting in the maintenance of stability and balance, particularly within the boundaries of relationships.

Healing Properties

Black Onyx is a master of good fortune and is frequently used as an amulet against negative energy. When it comes to emotional healing, Black Onyx provides the same grounding strength and energy that it does for your physical body. Getting rooted is one of the most effective ways to boost your self-esteem and develop the art of self-control. Black Onyx is here to comfort those who are prone to outbursts of rage, who feel the rise and fall of fury viscerally, and who frequently find themselves a jangly anxious mess. This stone binds flitting souls who would profit much from keeping one foot on the ground. Onyx assists you in mastering your sense of self so that you can make good decisions and stand firm in your authenticity.

It can be especially beneficial for individuals going through grief processes since it can help you mourn, grieve, accept, and release without losing yourself in the process.

Root Chakra

Black Onyx is a root chakra stone because it delivers all that wonderful grounding energy to keep you grounded to the earth beneath your feet. The root chakra is one of the most essential chakras because it allows excess energy to leave the body. If the base chakra is not cleansed, the entire chakra system can get out of balance. Black Onyx can also assist you in remaining protected during head chakra opening and any psychic activity or previous life exploration that may leave you open and potentially vulnerable.

Moonstone ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎

What is Moonstone?

Moonstone has a pearly opalescent appearance and is comprised of sodium potassium aluminum silicate. Moonstone is translucent and comes in a variety of colors including white and grey, as well as orange, green, blue, pink, brown, and rainbow. The crystal also symbolizes feminine vitality and new beginnings.

Moonstone has been sourced from many remote corners of the world, including the tea terraces of Sri Lanka, the fanciful coastlines of Madagascar, the Aurora lands of Norway, and the enormous expanse of Australia.

The Moonstone has been around for countless seasonal changes. The Moonstone has a long history in India as a tool for bringing spiritual wisdom and clairvoyance to the table. The pearly sheen of Moonstone was thought to be a shard of solid moonlight by the Romans in Ancient Rome. It was thought that anyone who looked into the stone could see the Goddess Diana and that wearing this sparkling amulet would bring the wearer love and riches. As Europe entered the Art Nouveau period, the stone saw a fresh flurry of flourish as the focus for jewelry and transcendent practices. The Moonstone was also appreciated in the swinging sixties, particularly as a spiritual instrument for healing.

Mental & Emotional Healing

The Moonstone is here to cast a light through the darkness and raise all of your emotions. When you maintain a moon sign on your person or in your life, it will intuitively connect you to the cosmos and can put all those crazy hormones into control, guaranteeing that you are moving in sync with the world outside your window. The Moonstone is sometimes referred to as the stone of new beginnings. Everything changes, and the Moonstone reminds you how vital it is to embrace the cyclical nature of the seasons and not be afraid of the turning of the page and the possibility of new chapters. Rather than becoming overwhelmed, the Moonstone aids in the processing and absorption of information.

The Moonstone is a powerful psychic stone that connects to the chakras. This gleaming stone has a highly spiritual quality to it, filling us with awe and calm. The Moonstone harmonizes nicely with the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra, the two chakras that ask us to delve deep inside in order to see far beyond our own perimeter. When these two chakras are open and attuned, they assist us in finding our position in the universe and feeling a part of the big cosmic puzzle swirling above our heads.

Zodiac Association

For those born under the sign of Libra, the Moonstone is one of the mothering birthstones. Librans are noted for their mild diplomatic disposition as well as their razor-sharp wit. Librans, on the other hand, can be a little indecisive, shy away from any type of confrontation, and never that open to change. The Moonstone can assist Librans accept change with grace and grandeur, to not be afraid of making decisions because, like the moon, life rises and falls and nothing remains constant.


Quick History of the Emerald

Emerald is foremost a green gemstone as well as a kind of Beryllium (silvery-white metal).  Emerald is a valuable stone that gets its green hue from traces of chromium and vanadium.

For almost 6,000 years, the world has been enamored with the sparkling emerald splendor of the Emerald stone. Emerald was thought to have enchanted Aristotle, who said that it should be placed around the neck to prevent falling sickness.

The Emerald contains a wealth of mythology and lore, ranging from Cleopatra to Aristotle and Alexander the Great. The Ancient Egyptians thought it was an amulet of rebirth and fertility, while the Incas thought it was a stone that guaranteed eternal life.

There are a thousand and one stories that shine out of the Emerald, one of which is embedded in Russia’s royal jewels. It is even thought to be the material used to create the Holy Grail.

The promise of eternity and love is one enduring theme that exudes from its enchanting spring colors. Emerald, like all green gems and crystals, is associated with the heart chakra, and the hue green is thought to be the most soothing tint our bodies and brains want. Emerald has extremely powerful healing qualities. It is both exhilarating and comforting, and it is a symbol of romance and rebirth.

Healing Properties

Simply holding the Emerald stone, which is vibrant and glittering with pure unconditional love and health, can fill you to the brim with a bounty of delight. This stone was recognized for its healing properties even in ancient times, and it was worn by children of aristocratic family to keep them flushed in bodily and mental finery.

It is a stone of regeneration, rejuvenation, and recovery, but it also contains the most potent themes of harmony, compassion, love, and illumination. It has Mercury as its ruling planet, the planet of insight and wisdom. Emerald is here to brighten your energies if you’re looking for a stone that lifts and nourishes you in a variety of ways.

Although we may think of Emerald as a heavy, costly wonder, its dazzling characteristics and relaxing green tints offer it a lightness that may be transferred to your own body and mind. With that sense of lightness comes the force of play, the birth of something new in the spring, and an authentic connection with a desire to let those you care about in. Emerald is a terrific gem for individuals who desire to improve their relationships and overcome their fear of commitment concerns.

The soothing colors of green evoke the profound wave of relief that comes with spring after a long, bitter winter. This is also how Emerald may make you feel in your soul. Emerald is a heart chakra stone, which means it is always present to assist cleanse the tightly wrapped space around your heart and to ensure that you aren’t impeding love and self-care in your own manner.

When our heart chakra is closed or out of balance, we may be hesitant to approach others. We may struggle with empathy or compassion, and we may be excessively harsh on ourselves and others. We may also struggle with forgiveness and trust, which might keep us alone.

When our heart chakra is open, we can believe in our own choices, love deeply and widely, and practice good self-care and compassion, cutting out the inner editor and being kind and compassionate to others and to ourselves. With this practice comes the opportunity to dive deeper into divine love and say yes to cosmic gifts. The Emerald stone also contains concepts of eternity, which relate to our feeling of spiritual tranquility and letting go of mundane fears.

Amethyst <3

Fairy Dust Intoxication

What is Amethyst?

Amethyst is a purple quartz variety. It has a vitreous or glassy luster and is a semiprecious stone. It is frequently found in violet and purple hues. Amethyst’s meaning is spiritual healing, calmness, and wisdom; it has long been associated with spirituality and is well-known for its close relationship with both the third eye and the crown chakra. The amethyst crystal has been celebrated by ancient civilizations since 25,000 BC, according to the lineage of this luminous stone. Everyone was drawn to the deep healing powers of the amethyst stone, from the Greeks to the Romans and even the Egyptians. Recognizing the stone’s grounding poignancy, the Greeks believed they could use it to protect themselves from intoxication.

Physical Healing Properties

Amethyst is also associated with healthy cell regeneration, promoting soothing sleep and rest, and promoting hormonal balance on a physical level. Amethyst can also help clear the clouds from those who suffer from a foggy head or migraines.

Similarly, Amethyst encourages the wearer to maintain a sober mind for those who are struggling to reduce their drinking. It’s a stone that serves as a reminder that clear thinking and a level head are required for making good decisions in life, and that muddying the mind can make it difficult to see the path that makes the most sense.

Emotional Healing Properties

Amethyst is well-known for bringing a sense of calm and clarity to our chaotic world. Those who keep Amethyst close to them will find that it comforts, grounds, and soothes them in a truly uplifting way. Because Amethyst centers the emotions, it can be a wonderful aid in recovery for those experiencing the overwhelming emotions associated with grief, loss, and all shades of sadness. It’s a great stone for reminding people not to be afraid of the unknown because of its divine spirituality.
Death can be viewed as a transition, a change, and a leap to a higher realm, and while there is grief in saying goodbye to someone loved, there is also life to be celebrated and memories to be cherished.

Amethyst reminds us that there is also balance in spirituality – it isn’t just about ignoring the negative and believing that spiritual awakening only leads to positive thinking, but also about recognizing the darkness and honoring it without holding it forever in the heart.

It also works well for those who are prone to rage, as it effectively dissipates the buildup of rage and replaces it with a halo of serenity that can be difficult to cut through. Amethyst can also help to bring the wearer back down to a calm and collected state of mind if they tend to get a little hot-headed in arguments. It’s an excellent stone for assisting with family and relationship dynamics because it promotes a calm demeanor.

The third eye chakra is well-known for being one of the most potent intuitive tools in the arsenal. Everyone possesses the gift of intuition; it is only a matter of how they use it. As Amethyst awakens the third eye, it allows the sixth sense to blossom into being. According to eastern philosophy, the third eye is the spiritual center of a person’s existence. It’s also in charge of how people perceive reality and how open they are to opening the door and entering spiritual enlightenment. Indigo is the color associated with the third eye chakra, which is also the color of Amethyst. One can awaken intuition, let their inner wisdom flow, and invite the sparkle back into their imagination by awakening the third eye.


Chrysocolla ~ Crystal of Communication

What is Chrysocolla, Exactly?

Chrysocolla is a blue green crystal that contains a lot of copper. It has a vitreous to dull luster and is opaque in transparency. Malachite, Cuprite, Quartz, Azurite, and Limonite make up Chrysocolla. Chrysocolla has the meanings of communication, teaching, and transformation.

Chrysocolla captures the soft serenity of still water with its calming blue and green disposition. Chrysocolla has a gentle flow that invites you to tune into your own sense of wonder and knowledge while also providing you with the tools you need to become your own greatest teacher.

Chrysocolla is derived from the Greek words Chrysos, which means gold, and Kola, which means glue. It got part of its name from the fact that it was one of the first materials used by goldsmiths to weld precious metals together. Artists and workers adored the stone, which was frequently ground down to a pigment for use in the most epic works of art by Renaissance painters. It was adored by Emperors and Kings, and was known as a stone associated with affluent living.

Healing Properties 

The soft feminine energy of Chrysocolla, also known as the Teaching Stone, captivates your interest and invites you to seek higher knowledge. It is thought to be the stone of wise women all over the world. It invites women to channel their energy into expression and creativity, to share their knowledge and truth with the world, and to rest in the peace of their own soul.

Mental and Emotional Healing

The Teaching Stone teaches us about expression, awareness, and the desire for greater knowledge, to name a few things. Chrysocolla can be an amazing tool for washing away those self-limiting beliefs and negative emotions that can hold you back for those who are ready to transcend in their personal power. It is a stone of profound self-awareness, and it can be an excellent tool for those seeking to connect with their own truth and find healthy ways of communicating that authenticity to the rest of the world.

Anyone who is struggling with tense and tight relationships (whether with a lover, family, or friend) can benefit from having Chrysocolla nearby to keep things from getting too heated, facilitating communication and healing.

The Teaching Stone reminds us that even in the darkest of places, there are lessons to be learned. Chrysocolla helps you find your joy in life and gives you the confidence and motivation to manifest your own reality by turning those negative feelings into something productive.

Chrysocolla, which is always radiant and ready to bring beautiful inner balance to your soul, works wonders when it comes to connecting with your throat chakra. The throat chakra is where our own sense of truth comes from. It’s how we communicate and share our true selves with the rest of the world. When the throat chakra is blocked, it indicates that we are not always living in our own light and are not always serving ourselves best. An open and clear throat chakra allows us to share our thoughts and feelings, it aids in the development of our personal power, and it prepares us to live in free expression rather than restricting our own pleasure.



Rose Quartz ~ The Crystal of Love



For thousands of years, crystals have been employed in cultures all across the world. Healing, meditation, protection, and creative inspiration are just a few of the things they’ve been used for. Rose quartz is one of the most popular crystals.

What Is Rose Quartz, Exactly?

Rose Quartz, like all the world’s ancient and respected stones, was fashioned into priceless jewelry by the Assyrians about 800 BC. Since then, this delicate and sparkling quartz has passed from civilization to civilization, bringing peace to the Greeks, delaying aging in the Egyptians, and serving as a claim of ownership in Roman times. Rose quartz face masks were also said to be used by Egyptian and Roman ladies to cleanse their complexions and prevent wrinkles. Rose quartz is now widely used as jewelry, for meditation, and as a decorative element in homes and offices. Rose quartz is a pale pink quartz crystal that belongs to the quartz crystal family. Strawberry rose quartz refers to the deeper pink variants of the stone. Lavender rose quartz comes in a variety of colors, primarily a pale purple. 

The heart chakra and the throat chakra are both strongly associated with Rose Quartz. It’s not, however, a stone that simply basks in romanticism. Rose Quartz is a delicate stone that speaks to all forms of love, from healing communication with family to deepening bonds with partners and friends, and even bringing sweeter notes of self-care into your own life.

Physical Healing Properties

Rose Quartz has lovely therapeutic effects for the body as well. Rose Quartz can assist to prevent thrombosis and heart attacks, enhance the circulation system, and ensure that your heart muscles are as smooth and powerful as possible, in keeping with its theme of being a heart healer.

Rose Quartz has a long history of being used by women to help them through their pregnancies. Because of its strong feminine energy, Rose Quartz is supposed to protect the mother and unborn child from issues during pregnancy. Rose Quartz is a helpful stone for new mothers to keep on hand because it is supposed to help create unshakable relationships. Rose Quartz is associated with the divine feminine, which means it exudes compassion, peace, and the nurturing warmth of motherhood.

Healing of the Mind

Rose Quartz is also known as The Heart Stone or Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz is often used to help the heart heal from the pain or trauma left by deep emotional wounds because of its intricate connection to the heart chakra. Rose Quartz can also be used as a calling card for people who want to attract more love into their lives. Our does not always have to be romantic love, but rather a profound sense of compassion and care for others in this world; it originates from one of the most crucial sources: oneself. One of the most beautiful Rose Quartz healing abilities is its capacity to break open the heart and restore alignment, allowing you to feel connected, comfortable, and open to all the possibilities that a happy life may bring.


Mother Shipton ~ Knaresborough’s Prophetess

Divining the Witch of York: Propaganda and Prophecy – The Public Domain Review

Ursula Sontheil, later known as Mother Shipton, was born in 1488, during the reign of Henry VII, the father of Henry VIII. Although little is known about her parents, legend has it that she was born in a cave on the banks of the River Nidd in Knaresborough during a violent thunderstorm.

Mother Shipton is the most well-known Prophetess in England. She predicted the deaths of several rulers during and immediately following her lifetime, as well as the invention of iron ships, the Great Fire of London in 1666, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Mother Shipton had another talent in addition to making traditional remedies. She had the ability to foresee the future. It began with small forebodings, but as she practiced, she gained confidence and her powers grew. She quickly became known as Knaresborough’s Prophetess, a witch. She made a living by foretelling the future and forewarning those who inquired about it.

Mother Shipton had prophetic and psychic abilities from a young age, and she wrote prophecies in the form of poems. Ursula, a quick, bright girl, was forced to endure merciless cruel taunts from the local children due to her appearance. Despite her great ugliness and temper, both of which are said to have gotten worse as she grew older, she found sanctuary in the woods and spent most of her childhood learning of plants and herbs and their medicinal properties. Ursula’s knowledge of plants and herbs grew with her, and she became a valuable resource for the townspeople as a herbalist. The respect she earned for her work allowed her to broaden her social circle, and it was then that she met the local carpenter Toby Shipton. In 1512, they married. They had no children, but she earned the nickname “Mother Shipton” because of all the people she helped. Her ability to see into the future made her famous not only in her hometown but throughout England.

Mother Shipton - streetsofsalem

Mother Shipton is credited with foreseeing many aspects of modern life that would have seemed outrageous and unthinkable in her day, such as automobiles and trains, iron ships, submarines, aircraft, and telegraphy, and perhaps, by extension, the Internet. She is well-known for accurately forecasting many major events, including the Great Fire of London and World War I. She also had an old prophecy that said, “When witches ride, and Black Dogs appear, the night will be filled with terror.” Although this was written in the sixteenth century, it has been interpreted to refer to both the Great Plague and World War II. She is also said to have predicted that men would walk on the moon before she died, which came true in 1969 when Neil Armstrong became the first man to do so.

After a long life, she died in 1561, aged 73. Mother Shipton has become a folk hero and a legend in her own right. Throughout the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, her name became associated with many tragic events and strange goings-on recorded in the United Kingdom, North America, and Australia. Mother Shipton is a well-known and influential witch who deserves to be remembered for her accurate predictions and prophecies.


Moll Dyer was a legendary 17th Century resident of Leonardtown in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, who was accused of witchcraft and chased out of her home in the dead of winter. Her name is commemorated by a road, a stream, and a large rock, and her story has inspired ghost sightings and the plot of the 1999 film “The Blair Witch Project.” According to one popular legend, she was an Irish noblewoman who came to Maryland alone to escape a mysterious past and settled in a cottage outside of what was then Seymortown (later called Leonardtown). Her isolated way of life and shadowy past, combined with her reputation as a herbal healer, sparked suspicion among the locals, who labeled her as a witch and began blaming her for all the town’s misfortunes and hardships, despite her habit of giving cures to the townspeople.

The winter of 1697 was particularly harsh, with food in short supply and many people dying. When the local settlers encountered crop failures or severe weather, they blamed it on supernatural forces, either god or the Devil, as was customary at the time. In this case, there were rumors that an old witch had cursed the colony with an unusually cold winter in 1697. The townspeople’s whispers turned into angry accusations, and they devised a plan to permanently remove Moll Dyer.

Moll Dyer, who was thought to be a witch, was blamed for an influenza outbreak that killed many people in St. Mary’s County. “Burn the witch!” yelled a horde of villagers as they set fire to her small hut in the woods. She escaped both the fire and the mob and was discovered frozen to a large rock several days later. When her body was removed, an imprint of her right hand remained on the stone. The town’s residents saw this as a curse she had placed on the area. For generations, the legend of Moll Dyer and her claimed curse has endured. Touching the rock is said to bring misfortune ranging from dizziness to sickness.

The alleged boulder was moved to the front of the Leonardtown courthouse, and while the handprint is no longer visible, many have claimed to feel extremely uncomfortable or suffering from awful aches and pains surrounding it, and cameras have apparently malfunctioned. People have reported seeing a woman with long white hair and a white dress wandering through the fields and woods near the town on the coldest nights of the year, accompanied by a white dog.

There are other stories about her wicked spirit haunting the land around her woods cottage and tormenting anybody who comes too close as retaliation for those who harmed her. A creepy portion of town near Moll Dyer Road is densely wooded and divided by a tiny brook. Locals say this was Moll Dyer’s cottage, and it was close to where her body was discovered in the late 1600s. The fabled curse of Moll Dyer ensures that crops fail to grow and that thunderstorms afflict the citizens of the town.

Moll Dyer Rock – Leonardtown, Maryland - Atlas Obscura

Isobel Gowdie ~ Scotland’s Queen of Witches

Isobel Gowdie was a well-known witch in Scotland during the 17th century. She confessed to witchcraft while being tortured, and she is now widely regarded as one of history’s most important witches. The confessions were written down by Isobel’s interrogator, Father John Kelly, and are thought to be Scotland’s first recorded account of a witch trial. Isobel was well-known for her ability to cast spells and prophesy, as well as tell fortunes by looking into people’s teacups or reading their palms. Because of her long, white hair, she is sometimes referred to as ‘Isobel Long-beard.

Over the course of six weeks, Gowdie confessed to witchcraft four times. Her first confession, dated 13 April 1662 at Auldearn, described an encounter with the Devil after she arranged to meet him at night in the kirk at Auldearn. She said she renounced her baptism and the Devil put his mark on her shoulder and sucked blood from it, naming several others who attended, including Janet Breadhead and Margret Brodie. She mentioned having sexual relations with the Devil, whom she described as a very cold “meikle, blak, roch man.” He had forked and cloven feet, which were occasionally covered by shoes or boots. She explained that brooms were placed beside her husband’s bed to keep him from noticing she was absent. The coven ate and drank the best food in houses they arrived at by flying through the air on magical horses and entering through the windows. They were entertained at Downie Hill by the Queen of the Fairies, also known as the Queen of Elphame. She claimed to have transformed into a jackdaw, and that other members of the coven had transformed into cats and hares.

Gowdie’s second confession was transcribed a little more than two weeks later, on 3 May 1662. She filled in the blanks about the coven by naming the members’ nicknames and as many of the spirits who served them as she could remember; her own servant spirit, dressed in black, was known as the Read Reiver. The ability to transform into animals was claimed, with individual chants used to transform into a cat, horse, or various other animals supplied. Over the course of her confessions, she gave a total of twenty-seven benevolent or malevolent chants, more than in any other British witchcraft case.

Gowdie was brought before her interrogators for the third time on May 15, 1662. The transcript, like her first and second confessions, and like many other Scottish witchcraft testimonies, begins by detailing her pact with the Devil after she met him and agreed to meet him at Auldearn Kirk. Her story continued to describe how, while in that form, she was pursued by a pack of dogs; she escaped by running from house to house until she had the opportunity to utter the chant to transform herself back into a human. She went on to say that when a witch assumed the form of a hare, the dogs could bite her; while the dogs couldn’t kill the shapeshifter, the bite marks and scars would remain visible once the human form was restored.

According to historian Robert Pitcairn, who first reproduced Gowdie’s testimonies in 1833, the fourth and final confession, dated 27 May 1662, is basically to confirm the three previous testimonies while also attempting to elicit more information about the members of the coven in order to bring charges against them. As a result of Breadhead and Gowdie’s statements, 41 people were arrested.

Isobel is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of witchcraft. According to academic Julian Goodare, Isobel is “one of the most famous of all Scottish witches,” with “extraordinary confessions” that include “some of the most remarkable [visionary activities] on record.” This modern-day description is similar to Pitcairn’s in 1833 and George F. Black’s in 1937, when they wrote in the Calendar of Witchcraft in Scotland, “This is the most remarkable witchcraft case on record… referred to, in more or less detail, in every work relating to witchcraft in Scotland.”

The real history of the Salem witch trials | WGN-TV