Earths Most Abundant Source: Water

71% of the Earth is covered by water, and with a percentage like such it seems impossible for water to be over exploited. However, water is the clear, and most definitively, overconsumed and overexploited natural resource on the planet. While at first this may seem contradictory, after understanding that overuse of water is through relocation of the resource and pollution of drinkable or useable water, the issue becomes much more understandable.

This issue has always been prevalent but some systems, like aquifers, are leading to an increase in the issue. Aquifers are systems that accumulate large areas of groundwater underneath the soil of rural area, cities, or other similar areas. This water can then be used for a plethora of purposes such as electricity, water lines, or for city use. Historically, these have successfully worked and been a productive way to control water usage. However, within recent years water usage has increased at an unprecedented level. The result of this increase reveals that the water in the aquifers is currently being used faster than expected, without time for the system to properly replenished. Therefore, there is no water in the open space under the ground, resulting in the ground to cave in on itself. This creates a major destruction of cities, leaving communities with no groundwater to drink, wash, or with the ability live safely.

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Another abuse of the natural resource happens when society uses water for electricity. This is a very common practice and can be seen in America, as well as other parts of the world. This is a complex system that uses water to generate electricity for various purposes. While this is useful for powering necessary functions, it causes a major displacement of water. By storing and abusing such large amounts of water, this leaves less of the resource for all other purposes the water would typically be used for. This increases dehydration around the world, increases the number of droughts, and worsens crop production. As seen in the photo, taken in North India, rural communities face the worst of the negative effects created by this ongoing issue.

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The most visually identifiable exploitation of water is through pollution of water sources. This issue has always been prevalent but continues to increase every year. Pollution makes ground water, that once was healthy and safe, unusable as a result of contamination. This factor of the issue, combined with empty aquifers and hydroelectricity, has led to a devastating loss of the world’s most important natural resource.

As explained by theworldcounts, an activist program dedicated to bringing attention to overconsumption, the earth will have no useable freshwater by 2040. This is a complex issue that is affecting all facets of society. If this overconsumption is not addressed, within the next 17 years humanity will face the consequences of this worsening issue.


1 Thought.

  1. I thought everything you addressed in this post was important to understanding freshwater depletion and contamination. Something that also might be worth investigating in the future is the effect of landfills on groundwater pollution. A substance called leachate can leak from the liners of landfills and often must be closely monitored to avoid contamination of groundwater. This would also be a good way to link your posts about overconsumption and water usage. Great job!

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