Mentorship program 2016/2017


The AWG Penn State mentorship is starting back up for the academic year!

Do you want to become a part of the program? There’s two options for you to sign up.

1. Go to the mixer:

This Wednesday, October 19th at 6 pm, the Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) will be hosting a mixer in the EMS Museum and Art Gallery, Rm. 18, to kick off our undergraduate mentoring program. The program will match graduate mentors with undergraduates in the department. Graduate mentors could help undergraduates with anything from the stresses of figuring out time management to understanding the process of applying for graduate school. If you are interested in the slightest, please come by and check it out. There will be great fellowship and Chipotle as well.

2. Sign up online:

If the mixer doesn’t work for your schedule, but you still want to be a part of the program, you can fill out our forms online. Please be as specific as possible about your scientific and professional interests are so we can match you to a mentor/mentee who fits your interests.

For undergrads looking for a mentor, click here.

For graduate students looking to be a mentor, click here.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone this year!

–AWG Penn State officers


View from one of our mixers last year