The Big Three and Personality

Everyone has heard a horoscope reading once or twice from newspapers or magazines, but have you ever considered what is actually being said. Many write these readings off as a joke or useless, when in actuality it is widely believed that many things, including personality, can be described through astrology. These factors being your own individual rising, sun, and moon placement based on when, where, and what time you were born. When each factor works together, the different combinations help to form a deeper understanding of personality. There is so much information that it can be heard to wrap your heard around all at once, so it is easier if each placement can be individually explained.

Sun Sign                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo Source

When someone asks what your zodiac sign is, and you google your birthday, this is the answer that pops up. This component is based off the date one was born, having twelve variants that change every month. The sun sign reads your most clear, observable personality traits. It helps drive the decisions one will make and their individual decisiveness. This is commonly referred to as your ego and core. Many people stop believing in astrology right about now, because they don’t find themselves relating wholly to their sun sign. In reality, this is only one part of a complex system.  You won’t truly understand what is being assumed about you until the sun sign is looked at in combination with your ascendant and moon signs!


Moon Sign

Next, the placement of the moon is another factor of your “big three.” This sign is found using the exact location and day of birth. This sign correlates with how one deals with their emotions and expresses their mood. If the sun sign is your bright personality, the moon sign is your vulnerable and honest inward feelings. It is sometimes referred to using phrases such as subconscious, inner self, or instincts. This is typically the second placement looked at when learning more about one’s zodiac signs, as it is less known than the sun sign but still more common than the ascendant sign.

Rising/Ascendant Sign


Finally, the ascendant sign is based off the exact time an individual is born. This likely is a different zodiac than your sun or moon sign, as there are twenty-four hours in a day and twelve zodiac signs, so each two hours the assigned rising sign changes. As previously explained, the sun sign reveals your true self, but the rising placement explains how others, and yourself, perceives you. This describes, one, what others see when they interact with you, and two, what you are trying to convey when you engage with others.  These two things do not have to be the same, because how one perceives themselves and how someone else perceives them doesn’t always have to align.


My next blog will go more in depth about your houses and big six, but until then… if this leaves you curious to learn more about your big three, there are several online calculators that can be used!


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