The 12 Houses and Where You Reside

Welcome back everyone! Last week I introduced astrology with the basics of everyone’s “big three.”

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This week I wanted to take a look at astrological houses and how they change based on your zodiac signs. If you haven’t figured it out yet, twelve tends to be a recurring number when discussing astrology, especially so in this situation. There are 12 astrological houses– each coordinating with the 12 zodiac signs– all being a different descriptor of your life.

There are plenty of online websites to create a simple way to view and read your chart. Based on your big three, a natal chart is produced, and the inner ring of this wheel shows which zodiac sign is in the house and what planet rules said house. Each house reveals more about each person and their journey and is given a respective name based on its influence. These being the house of: self, earnings, relatives, family, hobbies, health, marriage, wills, philosophy, career, community or endings.  Depending on the planet that occupies each house, different explanations ensue!


Houses 1-6

Each person has a different combination of planets ruled in each house, and they are so peculiar they don’t repeat for thousands of years. The first six houses are known as the personal. The first is determined by the moment one came to be on earth and is aligned with the rising sign. This makes sense, as it coincides with the personality and appearance we keep up. Second reveals how a person deals with possession and tangible goods. Third shows how one interacts with the community and surrounding world for better self-discovery. Next is an important house, the fourth which signals inherited ancestral traits. Afterwards, the final houses take on opposite tasks, play and work. House five describes how an individual indulges in hobbies and creative outlets; house six informs on the habits one gains around completing tasks and jobs. All these topics are considered personal and individualistic, making them a great way to learn more about the manner in which you operate.

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House 7-12

The final six houses are described as interpersonal. To start, the seventh governs relationships and partnerships throughout life. Afterwards, the eighth is an intriguing house that deals with many topics, some being: birth, death, intimacy, and the mystery. Following this, the ninth shows morality and ethics, while also tying in travel and expansion. The subsequent house has to do with structure and public image, saying information like achievements and legacy. House eleven goes along with the communities one will encounter during friendships, society, and throughout the media. Finally– and fittingly– the twelfth rules endings and finalities. This ties up loose ends and expresses your surrendering. These topics are all very interconnected with other people and those who you interact with, providing a reason for the title of the interpersonal houses.

All in all, this provides a basic explanation for the twelve astrological houses. Once you understand what each house rules, you can look at the planet that is in each house. The planet provides the personalization and tailors the reading specifically for you! Thanks for joining me this week and be sure to come back next time!






2 thoughts on “The 12 Houses and Where You Reside

  1. I’ve never done a deep dive into astrology like this, but this is really interesting seeing what each “house” symbolizes. Never knew there were houses in the first place until reading this lol, but I’d love to learn more.

  2. Thank you for sharing this neat topic with us! I did not know very much about astrology before now, and there is certainly a lot to explore. Plus, “The Sky’s Advice” is a really neat title. Thanks for teaching us something new, and I can’t wait to see what else there is!

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