Method of Manifestation

Once you have a general understanding of how manifestation works, there are countless methods that can be used to take action. Depending on where you look, it is likely you’ll find a wide variety of techniques that are all relatively interlocking. With the purpose of staying true to the topic of the blog, this post will highlight a few of the most popular ways to manifest using spirituality and astrology.

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Manifestation is using intent to will your desires into reality. Therefore, one of the most popular techniques on social media is to create a manifestation journal. This is similar to keeping a daily journal, but instead the focus of the writing is on what you hope to achieve, rather than writing about what has happened. When this manifestation is used with the phases of the moon, the intentions are able to be better visualized and acted out. As previously discussed in a prior post, the cycle of the moon entails countless opportunities to manifest with a specific intent. As a result, using a manifestation journal while also being aware of the moon phase has become increasingly popular with new age spirituality.

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Another method that has grown in popularity recently is to use moon water. Upon first acknowledgment many write this off as gimmicky, however the ideals behind the technique may truly be useful for manifesting. In astrology, water is receptive. It has the ability to hold and transfer energy. Therefore, theoretically, one can transfer the energy they desire by using moon water as a vessel. The baseline recipe for this is simple, as you take a container of clean water, state your intent of using the water, then place it outside or in a window where it will absorb the moonlight. In the morning, this water can then be used in countless ways, such as cooking, bathing, or drinking it straight. This is most often done during a full moon, as this is when manifestation is the strongest. Further instruction is pictured to the right, as the four main phases correlate to specified results.

The final method to discuss is, arguably, the easiest. This is through words of affirmation. Manifestation takes place in this technique by verbally saying what one hopes to happen and believing it will. Overall, this truly is just the definition of manifestation in action. After repeating your intent, it is then left to the universe to let these said desires come to life. It is common to use this technique in combination with other methods, such as a journal or through the moon cycles.

All in all, manifestation has a long, intertwining history with astrology. Given the easily understandable instructions and backfire proof approaches, it comes as no surprise that the art of manifesting continues to gain traction in western society. Before preforming any exercise of the belief, it is important to weed out false information and do adequate research to ensure no harm is done. However, after acknowledging the disclaimer, manifestation is an open astrological and spiritual practice that continues to gain an increasing following.

One thought on “Method of Manifestation

  1. I didn’t know about moon water, this is a very cool insight! I personally have never tried manifestation because I am stubborn and refuse to believe that repetition and affirmation will cause something special to happen. Nevertheless, after reading this post, I am genuinely intrigued because there is a “scientific-ish” basis behind it. What is you personal favorite method of manifestation?

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