Alternative medicine, a form of healing practices that vary across the globe but are always present within all cultures. One particular method of alternative medicine that has taken America by storm is the idea of Crystal Healing. As with all forms of non-medical healing, it is hard to be scientifically proven yet still seems to hold truth throughout many cultures. The use of crystals with the intent of self-transformation has strong ties to the astrological community.
One of the first ways society is introduced to the basics of crystal healing starts with the idea of birthstones. As displayed in the chart to the right, the twelve months are assigned a gemstone that aligns with the represented values of that zodiac’s sun sign. These twelve gemstones are most commonly used in jewelry, being a common selling point. However, using crystals for the purpose of self-healing is something that has been circulating earth as far back as crystals have been found. Whether it be writers from the middle age or ancient Chinese healing rituals, research shows that humans have always been drawn to these formations from the earth.
After understanding the basis of the belief, it is easy to connect the use of crystals to astrology. As previously discussed, the moon, stars, and their light are said to hold and transfer energy. Energy is a non-destroyable wavelength that is constantly being altered, which can then be manipulated with intent. This intent is then targeted to better the life of the believer. Crystals are just another mode or extension used to target energy and create an intent to better oneself. One of the simplest branches of astrology is a person’s three main signs, their sun, moon, and ascendant sign. While all crystals are said to be able to hold and transfer energy, specific crystals are particularly useful for targeted intents. This has led to the creation of endless information on how each crystal best works for each zodiac sign, as demonstrated to the left. Whether you go to a metaphysical shop or browse an online market, it is easy to find crystals that are bound to help whatever ailments plagues you, mentally or physically, based on your astrological chart.
To further the connection between crystal healing and astrology, many believe in cleansing their crystals using moonlight. In the previous blog post, the idea of creating moon water by cleansing water using moonlight was explained. The method of cleansing crystals is generally the same. As astrology heavily overlaps with spirituality, many who partake in this alternative medicine also cleanse their crystals using incense, smoke, meditation, or journaling.
Overall, the use of crystals to better one’s life is an idea that has been present throughout cultures for centuries and continues to spread throughout American beliefs in recent decades. Used in many aspects of lives, such as jewelry, media, cultural identity, or just general interest, crystals seem to constantly hold the attention of society. Whether alternative medicine holds truth in its actions or is simply pseudoscience, it has shown undeniable positive effects in its users lives.
I honestly found this post to be really interesting, especially as someone who doesn’t consider herself to be spiritual in any sense. I’ve always had a hard time getting into things like this but I’ve always admired people who hold beliefs like this. I feel like it’s really easy for humans to lack a personal relationship with things in nature, and while I see things like crystals as just natural formations and nothing else, to someone else, it holds healing powers. I think it says a lot about the beauty of this practice that it’s present in so many cultures. This post definitely caused me to open my non-spiritual brain up and consider the possibility that crystals could actually be healing and hold a deeper meaning and purpose. I also really liked the photos that you used, too, and it made it a lot easier for me to understand.