The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction– or manifestation– has been making its rounds on social media. Whether you browse on Tik Tok, Instagram, or Twitter, you cannot go long without seeing a tutorial on manifestation. A seemingly easy and simple way to get anything you want, by using only the power of your mind. When looking through an objective view, this technique has the same ideals as a religious person crossing their hands in prayer or an atheist crossing their fingers with the purpose of hoping. This similarity is found in the idea that a person is targeting their intent on a particular idea. The minor differences cause disparities between each religion, or lack of religion, but when boiled down this hope and intent all surrounds the idea of the law of attraction.

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The Theory of Manifestation

While this idea of manifesting becomes increasingly popular in America, the origins can be traced back to the traditions of Hinduism in India. Pictured to above is a traditional manifestation tradition and celebration. While manifestation techniques in America often do not look like this, it is important to appreciate the origins of the practice to avoid appropriation of the culture and religion. This occurrence is common in many practices of new age spiritualism, as the beliefs almost always overlap with some practice of the Hindu. The backbone of said theory is the law of attraction, being defined as the philosophy that positive thoughts bring positive results and therefore negative thoughts bring negative results into a person’s life. This law has not been scientifically proven, but there is a plethora of information that allow the possibility of the law to be believed.

The Technique of Manifestation                                                   Photo Credit

After understanding the theory of the law of attraction, the true action of manifestation can be better understood. Most plainly put, manifesting is speaking about and believing the change you want has already happened. If you want a raise, you will write or think I am so appreciative of my new raise rather than I will be so appreciative of the raise I need. With the sudden popularity of the idea, comes an influx of books and websites that aid in the practice of manifestation. However, it is important to note that there are countless authors who take part in the pseudoscientific ideas of the law, so as a new reader it is important to do research on what is being presented as truthful information. There are countless techniques on how to take part in this action, such as meditation, scripting, journaling or dreaming, but it all comes down to the same thought process. The cycle to the right displays this visually; as one thinks and desires a change in their life, takes action on this want, and then finds fulfillment in the results. And as desires continue, the cycle repeats.


Overall, some will say there is overwhelming proof behind the idea of manifestation, while others will deny the validity of the practice. As with all other spiritual and religious beliefs, it simply comes down to what one chooses to believe in.


One thought on “The Law of Attraction

  1. I think the idea of manifestation is so interesting. As someone who doesn’t claim to be a part of the spiritualism movement, even I have realized that when I do keep positive, attentive thoughts, I often see them come to fruition, and the same for negativity. This brings up the argument between if it is science or an external power which you noted above. However, I don’t really feel there will ever be a true answer, and I think people are okay with that. Nice job!

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