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RCL 2022-2023


Passion II

PAS V: “Shatter Me” Breaks Old Racial Norms

Another recommendation from Goodreads and Instagram, except this one is working out (so far)! I was skeptical because everyone who talks about the series is a die-hard fan of it, so I took the recommendation with a grain of salt…. Continue Reading →

PAS IV: “Heartless” is Heartless Towards POC

Another work by Melissa Meyer, and compared to her other work, this one was just okay for me. I picked it up from the “Date with a Book” monthly pick shelf in the library and decided to give it a… Continue Reading →

PAS III: “Flesh and Fire” Could Have More Skin Colors

Ah yes, another fantastic piece by my favorite author Jennifer L. Armentrout. She never fails to deliver and I’m always excited to read what she publishes. Flesh and Fire is the prequel series to Blood and Ash (check out my… Continue Reading →

PAS II: “Zodiac Academy” is Only Diverse in Astrological Signs

I started reading Zodiac Academy from reading recommendations on Goodreads and instagram. I was pleasantly surprised and incredibly disappointed in just the first two books. The writing style is mediocre at best and I can tell that the authors sometimes… Continue Reading →

PAS I: “Wednesday” Isn’t Just Another Weekday

As modern day society develops to be more diverse, it begs to question whether works of fiction have developed in the same way. In continuation of my passion blog from last semester, I will be analyzing depictions of race in… Continue Reading →

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